All predicatesShow -- A package manager for Prolog

The library(prolog_pack) provides the SWI-Prolog package manager. This library lets you inspect installed packages, install packages, remove packages, etc. It is complemented by the built-in attach_packs/0 that makes installed packages available as libraries.

To make changes to a package:

Once you have made the changes, you should edit the file to change the version item. After updating the git repo, issue a pack_install(package_name, [upgrade(true), test(true), rebuild(make)]) to cause the repository to refresh. You can simulate the full installation process by removing all the build files in the package (including any in submodules), running pack_install/1, and then running pack_install using a file:// URL.

See also
- Installed packages can be inspected using ?- doc_browser.
- library(build/tools)
To be done
- Version logic
- Find and resolve conflicts
- Upgrade git packages
- Validate git packages
- Test packages: run tests from directory `test'.
Source current_pack(?Pack) is nondet[private]
Source current_pack(?Pack, ?Dir) is nondet[private]
True if Pack is a currently installed pack.
Source pack_list_installed is det
List currently installed packages. This calls
?- pack_list('', [server(false)]).
See also
- pack_list/2.
Source pack_info(+Pack)
Print more detailed information about Pack.
Source pack_info_term(+PackDir, ?Info) is nondet[private]
True when Info is meta-data for the package PackName.
Source pack_info_term(?Term) is nondet[private]
True when Term describes name and arguments of a valid package info term.
Source pack_list(+Query) is det
Source pack_list(+Query, +Options) is det
Source pack_search(+Query) is det
Query package server and installed packages and display results. Query is matches case-insensitively against the name and title of known and installed packages. For each matching package, a single line is displayed that provides:

Options processed:

Only list packages that are locally installed. Contacts the server to compare our local version to the latest available version.
Only list packages that need to be updated. This option implies installed(true).
If false, do not contact the server. This implies installed(true). Otherwise, use the given pack server.

Hint: ?- pack_list(''). lists all packages.

The predicates pack_list/1 and pack_search/1 are synonyms. Both contact the package server at to find available packages.

See also
- pack_list_installed/0 to list installed packages without contacting the server.
Source join_status(+PacksIn, -PacksOut) is det[private]
Combine local and remote information to assess the status of each package. PacksOut is a list of pack(Name, Status, Version, URL). If the versions do not match, Version is VersionInstalled-VersionRemote and similar for thee URL.
Source local_search(+Query, -Packs:list(atom)) is det[private]
Search locally installed packs.
Source pack_install(+Spec:atom) is det
Install a package. Spec is one of

After resolving the type of package, pack_install/2 is used to do the actual installation.

Source pack_default_options(+Spec, -Pack, +OptionsIn, -Options) is det[private]
Establish the pack name (Pack) and install options from a specification and options (OptionsIn) provided by the user.
Source pack_select_candidate(+Pack, +AvailableVersions, +OptionsIn, -Options)[private]
Select from available packages.
Source in_explicit_pack_dir(+Pack, +Options) is semidet[private]
True when Pack is installed in the explicit target directory.
Source pack_install(+Name, +Options) is det
Install package Name. Processes the options below. Default options as would be used by pack_install/1 are used to complete the provided Options.
Source for downloading the package
Directory into which to install the package.
If true, install in the XDG common application data path, making the pack accessible to everyone. If false, install in the XDG user application data path, making the pack accessible for the current user only. If the option is absent, use the first existing and writable directory. If that doesn't exist find locations where it can be created and prompt the user to do so.
When true (default false), do not perform any checks on SSL certificates when downloading using https.
Use default answer without asking the user if there is a default action.
If true (default false), suppress informational progress messages.
If true (default false), upgrade package if it is already installed.
Rebuild the foreign components. Condition is one of if_absent (default, do nothing if the directory with foreign resources exists), make (run make) or true (run `make distclean` followed by the default configure and build steps).
If true (default), run the pack tests.
If true (default false unless URL ends with =.git=), assume the URL is a GIT repository.
Can be used if the installation source is a local directory and the file system supports symbolic links. In this case the system adds the current directory to the pack registration using a symbolic link and performs the local installation steps.

Non-interactive installation can be established using the option interactive(false). It is adviced to install from a particular trusted URL instead of the plain pack name for unattented operation.

Source pack_install(+Pack, +PackDir, +Options)[private]
Install package Pack into PackDir. Options:
Install from the given URL, URL is either a file://, a git URL or a download URL.
If Pack is already installed and Boolean is true, update the package to the latest version. If Boolean is false print an error and fail.
Source pack_install_from_local(+Source, +PackTopDir, +Name, +Options)[private]
Install a package from a local media.
To be done
- Provide an option to install directories using a link (or file-links).
Source pack_unpack(+SourceFile, +PackDir, +Pack, +Options)[private]
Unpack an archive to the given package dir.
Source pack_install_local(:Spec, +Dir, +Options) is det
Install a number of packages in a local directory. This predicate supports installing packages local to an application rather than globally.
Source pack_install_local_(+Latest, +Installed, +Options, +PackAndOptions) is det[private]
Source local_packs(+Dir, -Packs) is det[private]
True when Packs is a list of package search term results for packs installed in Dir.
Source pack_archive_info(+Archive, +Pack, -Info, -Strip)[private]
True when Archive archives Pack. Info is unified with the terms from in the pack and Strip is the strip-option for archive_extract/3.

Requires library(archive), which is lazily loaded when needed.

- existence_error(pack_file, '') if the archive doesn't contain
- Syntax errors if cannot be parsed.
Source pack_git_info(+GitDir, -Hash, -Info) is det[private]
Retrieve info from a cloned git repository that is compatible with pack_archive_info/4.
Source download_file_sanity_check(+Archive, +Pack, +Info) is semidet[private]
Perform basic sanity checks on DownloadFile
Source prepare_pack_dir(+Dir, +Options)[private]
Prepare for installing the package into Dir. This
Source empty_directory(+Directory) is semidet[private]
True if Directory is empty (holds no files or sub-directories).
Source pack_install_from_url(+Scheme, +URL, +PackDir, +Pack, +Options)[private]
Install a package from a remote source. For git repositories, we simply clone. Archives are downloaded. We currently use the built-in HTTP client. For complete coverage, we should consider using an external (e.g., curl) if available.
Source download_file(+URL, +Pack, -File, +Options) is det[private]
Source pack_url_file(+URL, -File) is det
True if File is a unique id for the referenced pack and version. Normally, that is simply the base name, but GitHub archives destroy this picture. Needed by the pack manager.
Source download_url(+URL) is det[private]
True if URL looks like a URL we can download from.
Source pack_post_install(+Pack, +PackDir, +Options) is det[private]
Process post installation work. Steps:
Source pack_rebuild(+Pack) is det
Rebuild possible foreign components of Pack.
Source pack_rebuild is det
Rebuild foreign components of all packages.
Source post_install_foreign(+Pack, +PackDir, +Options) is det[private]
Install foreign parts of the package.
Source foreign_present(+PackDir) is semidet[private]
True if we find one or more modules in the pack lib directory for the current architecture. Does not check that these can be loaded, nor whether all required modules are present.
Source is_foreign_pack(+PackDir, -Type) is nondet[private]
True when PackDir contains files that indicate the need for a specific class of build tools indicated by Type.
Source post_install_autoload(+PackDir, +Options)[private]
Create an autoload index if the package demands such.
Source pack_upgrade(+Pack) is semidet
Try to upgrade the package Pack.
To be done
- Update dependencies when updating a pack from git?
Source pack_remove(+Name) is det
Remove the indicated package.
Source pack_property(?Pack, ?Property) is nondet
True when Property is a property of an installed Pack. This interface is intended for programs that wish to interact with the package manager. Defined properties are:
Directory into which the package is installed
Installed version
Full title of the package
Registered author
Official download URL
Package README file (if present)
Package TODO file (if present)
Source git_url(+URL, -Pack) is semidet[private]
True if URL describes a git url for Pack
Source safe_pack_name(+Name:atom) is semidet[private]
Verifies that Name is a valid pack name. This avoids trickery with pack file names to make shell commands behave unexpectly.
Source pack_version_file(-Pack, -Version, +File) is semidet[private]
True if File is the name of a file or URL of a file that contains Pack at Version. File must have an extension and the basename must be of the form <pack>-<n>{.<m>}*. E.g., mypack-1.5.
Source github_release_url(+URL, -Pack, -Version) is semidet[private]
True when URL is the URL of a GitHub release. Such releases are accessible as
Source pack_inquiry(+URL, +DownloadFile, +Info, +Options) is semidet[private]
Query the status of a package with the central repository. To do this, we POST a Prolog document containing the URL, info and the SHA1 hash to The server replies using a list of Prolog terms, described below. The only member that is always included is downloads (with default value 0).
alt_hash(Count, URLs, Hash)
A file with the same base-name, but a different hash was found at URLs and downloaded Count times.
Number of times a file with this hash was downloaded.
rating(VoteCount, Rating)
User rating (1..5), provided based on VoteCount votes.
dependency(Token, Pack, Version, URLs, SubDeps)
Required tokens can be provided by the given provides.
Source query_pack_server(+Query, -Result, +Options)[private]
Send a Prolog query to the package server and process its results.
Source inquiry_result(+Reply, +File, +Options) is semidet[private]
Analyse the results of the inquiry and decide whether to continue or not.
Source select_dependency_resolution(+Deps, -Eval, +Options)[private]
Select a resolution.
To be done
- Exploit backtracking over resolve_dependencies/2.
Source install_dependency(+Options, +TokenResolution)[private]
Install dependencies for the given resolution.
To be done
- : Query URI to use
Source available_download_versions(+URL, -Versions) is det[private]
Deal with wildcard URLs, returning a list of Version-URL pairs, sorted by version.
To be done
- Deal with protocols other than HTTP
Source github_url(+URL, -User, -Repo) is semidet[private]
True when URL refers to a github repository.
Source github_version(+User, +Repo, -Version, -VersionURI) is nondet[private]
True when Version is a release version and VersionURI is the download location for the zip file.
Source update_dependency_db[private]
Reload dependency declarations between packages.
Source validate_dependencies is det[private]
Validate all dependencies, reporting on failures
Source pack_provides(?Package, ?Token) is multi[private]
True if Pack provides Token. A package always provides itself.
Source pack_depends_on(?Pack, ?Dependency) is nondet[private]
True if Pack requires Dependency, direct or indirect.
Source resolve_dependencies(+Dependencies, -Resolution) is multi[private]
Resolve dependencies as reported by the remote package server.
Dependencies- is a list of dependency(Token, Pack, Version, URLs, SubDeps)
Resolution- is a list of items
  • Token-resolved(Pack)
  • Token-resolve(Pack, Version, URLs, SubResolve)
  • Token-unresolved
To be done
- Watch out for conflicts
- If there are different packs that resolve a token, make an intelligent choice instead of using the first
Source pack_attach(+Dir, +Options) is det
Attach a single package in Dir. The Dir is expected to contain the file and a prolog directory. Options processed:
What to do if the same package is already installed in a different directory. Action is one of
Warn and ignore the package
Silently ignore the package
Unregister the existing and insert the new package
Determines the order of searching package library directories. Default is last, alternative is first.
See also
- attach_packs/2 to attach multiple packs from a directory.
Source menu(Question, +Alternatives, +Default, -Selection, +Options)[private]
Source confirm(+Question, +Default, +Options) is semidet[private]
Ask for confirmation.
Default- is one of yes, no or none.

Re-exported predicates

The following predicates are exported from this file while their implementation is defined in imported modules or non-module files loaded by this module.

Source pack_list(+Query) is det
Source pack_list(+Query, +Options) is det
Source pack_search(+Query) is det
Query package server and installed packages and display results. Query is matches case-insensitively against the name and title of known and installed packages. For each matching package, a single line is displayed that provides:

Options processed:

Only list packages that are locally installed. Contacts the server to compare our local version to the latest available version.
Only list packages that need to be updated. This option implies installed(true).
If false, do not contact the server. This implies installed(true). Otherwise, use the given pack server.

Hint: ?- pack_list(''). lists all packages.

The predicates pack_list/1 and pack_search/1 are synonyms. Both contact the package server at to find available packages.

See also
- pack_list_installed/0 to list installed packages without contacting the server.
Source pack_list(+Query) is det
Source pack_list(+Query, +Options) is det
Source pack_search(+Query) is det
Query package server and installed packages and display results. Query is matches case-insensitively against the name and title of known and installed packages. For each matching package, a single line is displayed that provides:

Options processed:

Only list packages that are locally installed. Contacts the server to compare our local version to the latest available version.
Only list packages that need to be updated. This option implies installed(true).
If false, do not contact the server. This implies installed(true). Otherwise, use the given pack server.

Hint: ?- pack_list(''). lists all packages.

The predicates pack_list/1 and pack_search/1 are synonyms. Both contact the package server at to find available packages.

See also
- pack_list_installed/0 to list installed packages without contacting the server.