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    1/*  Part of SWISH
    3    Author:        Jan Wielemaker
    4    E-mail:
    5    WWW: 
    6    Copyright (C): 2016-2024, VU University Amsterdam
    7                              CWI Amsterdam
    8                              SWI-Prolog Solutions b.v.
    9    All rights reserved.
   11    Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
   12    modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
   13    are met:
   15    1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
   16       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
   18    2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
   19       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
   20       the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
   21       distribution.
   37:- module(swish_chat,
   38          [ chat_broadcast/1,           % +Message
   39            chat_broadcast/2,           % +Message, +Channel
   40            chat_to_profile/2,          % +ProfileID, :HTML
   41            chat_about/2,               % +DocID, +Message
   43            notifications//1,           % +Options
   44            broadcast_bell//1           % +Options
   45          ]).   46:- use_module(library(http/hub)).   47:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)).   48:- use_module(library(http/http_session)).   49:- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)).   50:- use_module(library(http/http_cors)).   51:- use_module(library(http/websocket)).   52:- use_module(library(http/json)).   53:- use_module(library(error)).   54:- use_module(library(lists)).   55:- use_module(library(option)).   56:- use_module(library(debug)).   57:- use_module(library(uuid)).   58:- use_module(library(random)).   59:- use_module(library(base64)).   60:- use_module(library(apply)).   61:- use_module(library(broadcast)).   62:- use_module(library(ordsets)).   63:- use_module(library(http/html_write)).   64:- use_module(library(http/http_path)).   65:- if(exists_source(library(user_profile))).   66:- use_module(library(user_profile)).   67:- endif.   68:- use_module(library(aggregate)).   69:- use_module(library(redis)).   70:- use_module(library(solution_sequences)).   71
   72:- use_module(storage).   73:- use_module(gitty).   74:- use_module(config).   75:- use_module(avatar).   76:- use_module(noble_avatar).   77:- use_module(chatstore).   78:- use_module(authenticate).   79:- use_module(pep).   80:- use_module(content_filter).   81:- use_module(swish_redis).   82
   83:- html_meta(chat_to_profile(+, html)).

The SWISH collaboration backbone

We have three levels of identity as enumerated below. Note that these form a hierarchy: a particular user may be logged on using multiple browsers which in turn may have multiple SWISH windows opened.

  1. Any open SWISH window has an associated websocket, represented by the identifier returned by hub_add/3.
  2. Any browser, possibly having multiple open SWISH windows, is identified by a session cookie.
  3. The user may be logged in, either based on the cookie or on HTTP authentication. */
   99:- multifile swish_config:config/2.  100
  101swish_config:config(hangout, 'Hangout.swinb').
  102swish_config:config(avatars, svg).              % or 'noble'
  103swish_config:config(session_lost_timeout, 300).
  106                 /*******************************
  107                 *      ESTABLISH WEBSOCKET     *
  108                 *******************************/
  110:- http_handler(swish(chat), start_chat, [ id(swish_chat) ]).  111
  112:- meta_predicate must_succeed(0).
HTTP handler that establishes a websocket connection where a user gets an avatar and optionally a name.
  119start_chat(Request) :-
  120    memberchk(method(options), Request),
  121    !,
  122    cors_enable(Request,
  123                [ methods([get])
  124                ]),
  125    format('~n').
  126start_chat(Request) :-
  127    cors_enable,
  128    authenticate(Request, Identity),
  129    start_chat(Request, [identity(Identity)]).
  131start_chat(Request, Options) :-
  132    authorized(chat(open), Options),
  133    (   http_in_session(Session)
  134    ->  CheckLogin = false
  135    ;   http_open_session(Session, []),
  136        CheckLogin = true
  137    ),
  138    check_flooding(Session),
  139    http_parameters(Request,
  140                    [ avatar(Avatar, [optional(true)]),
  141                      nickname(NickName, [optional(true)]),
  142                      reconnect(Token, [optional(true)])
  143                    ]),
  144    extend_options([ avatar(Avatar),
  145                     nick_name(NickName),
  146                     reconnect(Token),
  147                     check_login(CheckLogin)
  148                   ], Options, ChatOptions),
  149    debug(chat(websocket), 'Accepting (session ~p)', [Session]),
  150    http_upgrade_to_websocket(
  151        accept_chat(Session, ChatOptions),
  152        [ guarded(false),
  153          subprotocols(['', chat])
  154        ],
  155        Request).
  157extend_options([], Options, Options).
  158extend_options([H|T0], Options, [H|T]) :-
  159    ground(H),
  160    !,
  161    extend_options(T0, Options, T).
  162extend_options([_|T0], Options, T) :-
  163    extend_options(T0, Options, T).
See whether the client associated with a session is flooding us and if so, return a resource error.
  171check_flooding(Session) :-
  172    get_time(Now),
  173    (   http_session_retract(websocket(Score, Last))
  174    ->  Passed is Now-Last,
  175        NewScore is Score*(2**(-Passed/60)) + 10
  176    ;   NewScore = 10,
  177        Passed = 0
  178    ),
  179    debug(chat(flooding), 'Flooding score: ~2f (session ~p)',
  180          [NewScore, Session]),
  181    http_session_assert(websocket(NewScore, Now)),
  182    (   NewScore > 50
  183    ->  throw(http_reply(resource_error(
  184                             error(permission_error(reconnect, websocket,
  185                                                    Session),
  186                                   websocket(reconnect(Passed, NewScore))))))
  187    ;   true
  188    ).
 accept_chat(+Session, +Options, +WebSocket)
Create the websocket for the chat session. If the websocket was lost due to a network failure, the client will try to reconnect with a reconnect token. If this is successful we restore the old identity and WSID. If not, we add the websocket to the "hub" and send a a welcome message over the established websocket.
  198accept_chat(Session, Options, WebSocket) :-
  199    must_succeed(accept_chat_(Session, Options, WebSocket)),
  200    Long is 100*24*3600,                        % see update_session_timeout/1
  201    http_set_session(Session, timeout(Long)).
  203accept_chat_(Session, Options, WebSocket) :-
  204    create_chat_room,
  205    (   option(reconnect(Token), Options),
  206        http_session_data(wsid(WSID, Token), Session),
  207        wsid_status_del_lost(WSID),
  208        existing_visitor(WSID, Session, TmpUser, UserData),
  209        must_succeed(hub_add(swish_chat, WebSocket, WSID))
  210    ->  Reason = rejoined
  211    ;   must_succeed(hub_add(swish_chat, WebSocket, WSID)),
  212        random_key(16, Token),
  213        http_session_asserta(wsid(WSID, Token), Session),
  214        must_succeed(create_visitor(WSID, Session, TmpUser, UserData, Options)),
  215        Reason = joined
  216    ),
  217    gc_visitors,
  218    visitor_count(Visitors),
  219    option(check_login(CheckLogin), Options, true),
  220    Msg0 = _{ type:welcome,
  221	      uid:TmpUser,
  222	      wsid:WSID,
  223	      reconnect:Token,
  224	      visitors:Visitors,
  225	      check_login:CheckLogin
  226	    },
  227    add_redis_consumer(Msg0, Msg),
  228    AckMsg = UserData.put(Msg),
  229    (   hub_send(WSID, json(AckMsg))
  230    ->  must_succeed(chat_broadcast(UserData.put(_{type:Reason,
  231                                                   visitors:Visitors,
  232                                                   wsid:WSID}))),
  233        debug(chat(websocket), '~w (session ~p, wsid ~p)',
  234              [Reason, Session, WSID])
  235    ;   Reason = joined
  236    ->  debug(chat(websocket), 'Failed to acknowledge join for ~p in ~p',
  237              [WSID, Session]),
  238        http_session_retractall(wsid(WSID, Token), Session),
  239        reclaim_visitor(WSID),
  240        fail
  241    ;   debug(chat(websocket), 'Failed to acknowledge rejoin for ~p in ~p',
  242              [WSID, Session]),
  243        fail
  244    ).
  246add_redis_consumer(Msg0, Msg) :-
  247    use_redis,
  248    redis_consumer(Consumer),
  249    !,
  250    Msg = Msg0.put(consumer, Consumer).
  251add_redis_consumer(Msg, Msg).
  253must_succeed(Goal) :-
  254    catch_with_backtrace(Goal, E, (print_message(warning, E), fail)),
  255    !.
  256must_succeed(Goal) :-
  257    print_message(warning, goal_failed(Goal)),
  258    fail.
  261                 /*******************************
  262                 *              DATA            *
  263                 *******************************/
  265/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  266We have three user identifications:
  268  - The WSID (Web Socket ID).  This uniquely identifies an open SWISH
  269    window.
  270  - The HTTP session id.   A single browser may have multiple SWISH
  271    windows open and thus be associated with multiple WSIDs.
  272  - A Visitor ID.  This captures elementary knowledge of the user
  273    associated with the session.  Each session has exactly on Visitor
  274    id.
  276Redis DB organization
  278  - swish:chat:wsid
  279    Redis set of known WSID
  280  - swish:chat:session:WSID -> at(Consumer,Session,Token)
  281    Expresses that WSID belongs to the SWISH server identified by
  282    Consumer, the given HTTP session and if if it is lost it can
  283    be reastablished using Token.
  284  - swish:chat:lost:WSID -> Time
  285    We lost connection to WSID at Time (e.g., websocket disconnect)
  286  - swish:chat:unload:WSID -> boolean
  287    If `true`, the page was gracefully unloaded.
  288  - swish:chat:visitor:Visitor -> UserData
  289    Visitor is a UUID reflecting a visitor with properties for
  290    identification.
  292In addition, we store data on the session:
  294  - websocket(Score, Time)
  295    Keeps a score based on attempts to establish the websocket.  Used
  296    to deny a connection request with a 503 error
  297  - swish_user(Visitor)
  298    Connect the session to the given visitor UUID.
  299- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 wsid_status(?WSID, ?Status)
 wsid_session(?WSID, ?SessionId)
 session_user(?Session, ?TmpUser)
 visitor_data(?TmpUser, ?UserData:dict)
 subscription(?WSID, ?Channel, ?SubChannel)
These predicates represent our notion of visitors. Active modes:
WSID- is the identifier of the web socket. As we may have to reconnect lost connections, this is may be replaced.
Session- is the session identifier. This is used to connect SWISH actions to WSIDs.
TmpUser- is the ID with which we identify the user for this run. The value is a UUID and thus doesn't reveal the real identity of the user.
UserData- is a dict that holds information about the real user identity. This can be empty if no information is known about this user.
Status- is one of unload or lost(Time)
Channel- is an atom denoting a chat channel
SubChannel- is a related sub channel.
  339:- dynamic
  340    wsid_status_db/2,            % WSID, Status
  341    wsid_session_db/2,           % WSID, Session
  342    session_user_db/2,		    % Session, TmpUser
  343    visitor_data_db/2,		    % TmpUser, Data
  344    subscription_db/3.		    % WSID, Channel, SubChannel
 redis_key(+Which, -Server, -Key) is semidet
 redis_key_ro(+Which, -Server, -Key) is semidet
Find the Redis server and key for a query. The redis_key_ro/3 variant returns the nearby Redis replica if it exists. This can only be used with read-only keys.
  354redis_key(Which, Server, Key) :-
  355    swish_config(redis, Server),
  356    swish_config(redis_prefix, Prefix),
  357    Which =.. List,
  358    atomic_list_concat([Prefix, chat | List], :, Key).
  360redis_key_ro(Which, Server, Key) :-
  361    swish_config(redis_ro, Server),
  362    !,
  363    swish_config(redis_prefix, Prefix),
  364    Which =.. List,
  365    atomic_list_concat([Prefix, chat | List], :, Key).
  366redis_key_ro(Which, Server, Key) :-
  367    redis_key(Which, Server, Key).
  369use_redis :-
  370    swish_config(redis, _).
 wsid_status(+WSID, -Status)
Status is one of lost(Time) if we lost contact at Time or unload if the websocket was cleanly disconnected.

The Redis version keeps two keys per WSID as described below. Note that these keys only exist on temporary lost or disconnecting websockets.

  385wsid_status(WSID, Status) :-
  386    redis_key_ro(unload(WSID), Server, UnloadKey),
  387    !,
  388    redis_key_ro(lost(WSID), Server, LostKey),
  389    redis(Server,
  390          [ get(UnloadKey) -> Unload,
  391            get(LostKey) -> Lost
  392          ]),
  393    (   number(Lost),
  394        Status = lost(Lost)
  395    ;   Unload \== nil
  396    ->  Status = unload
  397    ).
  398wsid_status(WSID, Status) :-
  399    wsid_status_db(WSID, Status).
  401wsid_status_del(WSID) :-
  402    redis_key(unload(WSID), Server, UnloadKey),
  403    !,
  404    redis_key(lost(WSID), Server, LostKey),
  405    redis(Server,
  406          [ del(UnloadKey),
  407            del(LostKey)
  408          ]).
  409wsid_status_del(WSID) :-
  410    retractall(wsid_status_db(WSID, _Status)).
  412wsid_status_del_lost(WSID) :-
  413    redis_key(lost(WSID), Server, Key),
  414    !,
  415    redis(Server, del(Key)).
  416wsid_status_del_lost(WSID) :-
  417    retractall(wsid_status_db(WSID, lost(_))).
  419wsid_status_set_lost(WSID, Time) :-
  420    redis_key(lost(WSID), Server, Key),
  421    !,
  422    redis(Server, set(Key, Time)).
  423wsid_status_set_lost(WSID, Time) :-
  424    assertz(wsid_status_db(WSID, lost(Time))).
  426wsid_status_set_unload(WSID) :-
  427    redis_key(unload(WSID), Server, Key),
  428    !,
  429    redis(Server, set(Key, true)).
  430wsid_status_set_unload(WSID) :-
  431    assertz(wsid_status_db(WSID, unload)).
 wsid_status_del_unload(+WSID) is semidet
True when WSID has status unload and this status is removed.
  437wsid_status_del_unload(WSID) :-
  438    redis_key_ro(unload(WSID), ROServer, Key),
  439    !,
  440    (   redis(ROServer, get(Key), true)
  441    ->  redis_key(unload(WSID), RWServer, Key),
  442        redis(RWServer, del(Key))
  443    ).
  444wsid_status_del_unload(WSID) :-
  445    retract(wsid_status_db(WSID, unload)),
  446    !.
 register_wsid_session(+WSID, +Session) is det
Register WSID to belong to Session, i.e., the given websocket belongs to a Session on some browser. When using a Redis cluster, we also want to know the Redis consumer on which this session is active, such that we can relay messages to the proper SWISH server.

Redis data:

  460register_wsid_session(WSID, Session) :-
  461    redis_key(wsid, Server, SetKey),
  462    redis_key(session(WSID), Server, SessionKey),
  463    !,
  464    redis_consumer(Consumer),
  465    redis(Server, sadd(SetKey, WSID)),
  466    redis(Server, set(SessionKey, at(Consumer,Session) as prolog)).
  467register_wsid_session(WSID, Session) :-
  468    assertz(wsid_session_db(WSID, Session)).
 wsid_session(?WSID, ?Session) is nondet
 wsid_session(?WSID, ?Session, -Consumer) is nondet
True when there is a known visitor WSID that is associated with the HTTP Session, uses Token for reconnecting and runs on a node identified by the Redis Consumer.
  477wsid_session(WSID, Session) :-
  478    wsid_session(WSID, Session, _Consumer).
  480wsid_session(WSID, Session, Consumer) :-
  481    use_redis,
  482    !,
  483    (   nonvar(Session)
  484    ->  http_session_data(wsid(WSID,_Token), Session)
  485    ;   current_wsid(WSID),
  486        redis_key_ro(session(WSID), Server, SessionKey),
  487        redis(Server, get(SessionKey), at(Consumer,Session))
  488    ).
  489wsid_session(WSID, Session, single) :-
  490    wsid_session_db(WSID, Session).
 wsid_session_reclaim(+WSID, -Session) is semidet
True when WSID was connected to Session and now no longer is.
  496wsid_session_reclaim(WSID, Session) :-
  497    redis_key_ro(session(WSID), ROServer, SessionKey),
  498    redis_key(wsid, WRServer, SetKey),
  499    !,
  500    redis(ROServer, get(SessionKey), At),
  501    arg(2, At, Session),            % changed from at/3 to at/2.
  502    redis(WRServer, srem(SetKey, WSID)),
  503    redis(WRServer, del(SessionKey)).
  504wsid_session_reclaim(WSID, Session) :-
  505    retract(wsid_session_db(WSID, Session)).
 wsid_session_reclaim_all(+WSID, +Session) is det
  509wsid_session_reclaim_all(WSID, _Session) :-
  510    redis_key(wsid, Server, SetKey),
  511    !,
  512    redis(Server, srem(SetKey, WSID)),
  513    redis_key(session(WSID), Server, SessionKey),
  514    redis(Server, del(SessionKey)).
  515wsid_session_reclaim_all(WSID, Session) :-
  516    retractall(wsid_session_db(WSID, Session)).
  518wsid_session_del_session(Session) :-
  519    use_redis,
  520    !,
  521    (   wsid_session(WSID, Session),
  522        wsid_session_reclaim(WSID, Session),
  523        fail
  524    ;   true
  525    ).
  526wsid_session_del_session(Session) :-
  527    retractall(wsid_session_db(_, Session)).
 current_wsid(?WSID) is nondet
True when WSID is a (Redis) known WSID.
  533current_wsid(WSID) :-
  534    nonvar(WSID),
  535    !,
  536    redis_key_ro(wsid, Server, SetKey),
  537    redis(Server, sismember(SetKey, WSID), 1).
  538current_wsid(WSID) :-
  539    redis_key_ro(wsid, Server, SetKey),
  540    redis_sscan(Server, SetKey, List, []),
  541    member(WSID, List).
 session_user(?Session, ?TmpUser:atom)
Relate Session to a tmp user id. Info about the tmp user is maintained in visitor_data/2.
  548session_user(Session, TmpUser) :-
  549    http_current_session(Session, swish_user(TmpUser)).
  551session_user_create(Session, User) :-
  552    http_session_asserta(swish_user(User), Session).
  554session_user_del(Session, User) :-
  555    http_session_retract(swish_user(User), Session).
 visitor_data(?Visitor, ?Data)
  559visitor_data(Visitor, Data) :-
  560    redis_key(visitor(Visitor), Server, Key),
  561    !,
  562    redis_get_hash(Server, Key, Data).
  563visitor_data(Visitor, Data) :-
  564    visitor_data_db(Visitor, Data).
  566visitor_data_set(Visitor, Data) :-
  567    redis_key(visitor(Visitor), Server, Key),
  568    !,
  569    redis_set_hash(Server, Key, Data).
  570visitor_data_set(Visitor, Data) :-
  571    retractall(visitor_data_db(Visitor, _)),
  572    assertz(visitor_data_db(Visitor, Data)).
  574visitor_data_del(Visitor, Data) :-
  575    redis_key(visitor(Visitor), Server, Key),
  576    !,
  577    redis_get_hash(Server, Key, Data),
  578    redis(Server, del(Key)).
  579visitor_data_del(Visitor, Data) :-
  580    retract(visitor_data_db(Visitor, Data)).
 subscription(?WSID, ?Channel, ?SubChannel)
Requires both WSID -> Channel/SubChannel and backward relation. Redis:

channel:SubChannel --> set(WSID-Channel) subscription:WSID --> set(Channel-SubChannel)

  590subscription(WSID, Channel, SubChannel) :-
  591    use_redis,
  592    !,
  593    (   nonvar(WSID), nonvar(Channel), nonvar(SubChannel)
  594    ->  redis_key_ro(subscription(WSID), Server, WsKey),
  595        redis(Server, sismember(WsKey, Channel-SubChannel as prolog), 1)
  596    ;   nonvar(SubChannel)
  597    ->  redis_key_ro(channel(SubChannel), Server, ChKey),
  598        redis_sscan(Server, ChKey, List, []),
  599        member(WSID-Channel, List)
  600    ;   (   nonvar(WSID)
  601        ->  true
  602        ;   current_wsid(WSID)
  603        ),
  604        redis_key_ro(subscription(WSID), Server, WsKey),
  605        redis_sscan(Server, WsKey, List, []),
  606        member(Channel-SubChannel, List)
  607    ).
  608subscription(WSID, Channel, SubChannel) :-
  609    subscription_db(WSID, Channel, SubChannel).
 subscribe(+WSID, +Channel) is det
 subscribe(+WSID, +Channel, +SubChannel) is det
Subscript WSID to listen to messages on Channel/SubChannel.
  616subscribe(WSID, Channel) :-
  617    subscribe(WSID, Channel, _SubChannel).
  619subscribe(WSID, Channel, SubChannel) :-
  620    use_redis,
  621    !,
  622    redis_key(channel(SubChannel), Server, ChKey),
  623    redis_key(subscription(WSID), Server, WsKey),
  624    redis(Server, sadd(ChKey, WSID-Channel as prolog)),
  625    redis(Server, sadd(WsKey, Channel-SubChannel as prolog)).
  626subscribe(WSID, Channel, SubChannel) :-
  627    (   subscription(WSID, Channel, SubChannel)
  628    ->  true
  629    ;   assertz(subscription_db(WSID, Channel, SubChannel))
  630    ).
 unsubscribe(?WSID, ?Channel) is det
 unsubscribe(?WSID, ?Channel, ?SubChannel) is det
Remove all matching subscriptions.
  637unsubscribe(WSID, Channel) :-
  638    unsubscribe(WSID, Channel, _SubChannel).
  640unsubscribe(WSID, Channel, SubChannel) :-
  641    use_redis,
  642    !,
  643    (   (   nonvar(WSID), nonvar(Channel), nonvar(SubChannel)
  644        ->  true
  645        ;   subscription(WSID, Channel, SubChannel)
  646        ),
  647        redis_unsubscribe(WSID, Channel, SubChannel),
  648        fail
  649    ;   true
  650    ).
  651unsubscribe(WSID, Channel, SubChannel) :-
  652    retractall(subscription_db(WSID, Channel, SubChannel)).
  654redis_unsubscribe(WSID, Channel, SubChannel) :-
  655    redis_key(channel(SubChannel), Server, ChKey),
  656    redis_key(subscription(WSID), Server, WsKey),
  657    redis(Server, srem(ChKey, WSID-Channel as prolog)),
  658    redis(Server, srem(WsKey, Channel-SubChannel as prolog)).
  661		 /*******************************
  662		 *        HIGH LEVEL DB		*
  663		 *******************************/
 visitor(?WSID) is nondet
 visitor(?WSID, -Consumer) is nondet
True when WSID should be considered an active visitor that is connected to the SWISH node identified by the Redis Consumer. This means
  677visitor(WSID) :-
  678    visitor(WSID, _).
  680visitor(WSID, Consumer) :-
  681    wsid_session(WSID, _Session, Consumer),
  682    \+ pending_visitor(WSID, 30).
  684visitor_count(Count) :-
  685    use_redis,
  686    !,
  687    active_wsid_count(Count).
  688visitor_count(Count) :-
  689    aggregate_all(count, visitor(_), Count).
 pending_visitor(+WSID, +Timeout) is semidet
True if WSID is inactive. This means we lost the connection at least Timeout seconds ago.
  696pending_visitor(WSID, Timeout) :-
  697    wsid_status(WSID, lost(Lost)),
  698    get_time(Now),
  699    Now - Lost > Timeout.
 wsid_visitor(?WSID, ?Visitor)
True when WSID is associated with Visitor
  705wsid_visitor(WSID, Visitor) :-
  706    nonvar(WSID),
  707    !,
  708    wsid_session(WSID, Session),
  709    session_user(Session, Visitor).
  710wsid_visitor(WSID, Visitor) :-
  711    session_user(Session, Visitor),
  712    wsid_session(WSID, Session).
 existing_visitor(+WSID, +Session, -TmpUser, -UserData) is semidet
True if we are dealing with an existing visitor for which we lost the connection.
  719existing_visitor(WSID, Session, TmpUser, UserData) :-
  720    wsid_session(WSID, Session),
  721    session_user(Session, TmpUser),
  722    visitor_data(TmpUser, UserData),
  723    !.
  724existing_visitor(WSID, Session, _, _) :-
  725    wsid_session_reclaim_all(WSID, Session),
  726    fail.
 create_visitor(+WSID, +Session, -TmpUser, -UserData, +Options)
Create a new visitor when a new websocket is established. Options provides information we have about the user:
Already logged in user with given information
Avatar remembered in the browser for this user.
Nick name remembered in the browser for this user.
Avatar remembered in the browser for this user. Using the SVG avatars, this is `/icons/avatar.svg#NNN`, which NNN is a bitmask on the SVG to change its appearance,
  744create_visitor(WSID, Session, TmpUser, UserData, Options) :-
  745    register_wsid_session(WSID, Session),
  746    create_session_user(Session, TmpUser, UserData, Options).
 random_key(+Len, -Key) is det
Generate a random confirmation key
  752random_key(Len, Key) :-
  753    length(Codes, Len),
  754    maplist(random_between(0,255), Codes),
  755    phrase(base64url(Codes), Encoded),
  756    atom_codes(Key, Encoded).
 destroy_visitor(+WSID) is det
The web socket WSID has been closed. We should not immediately destroy the temporary user as the browser may soon reconnect due to a page reload or re-establishing the web socket after a temporary network failure. We leave the destruction thereof to the session, but set the session timeout to a fairly short time.
To be done
- We should only inform clients that we have informed about this user.
  769destroy_visitor(WSID) :-
  770    must_be(atom, WSID),
  771    update_session_timeout(WSID),
  772    destroy_reason(WSID, Reason),
  773    (   Reason == unload
  774    ->  reclaim_visitor(WSID)
  775    ;   get_time(Now),
  776        wsid_status_set_lost(WSID, Now)
  777    ),
  778    visitor_count(Count),
  779    debug(chat(visitor), '~p left. Broadcasting ~d visitors', [WSID,Count]),
  780    chat_broadcast(_{ type:removeUser,
  781                      wsid:WSID,
  782                      reason:Reason,
  783                      visitors:Count
  784                    }).
  786destroy_reason(WSID, Reason) :-
  787    wsid_status_del_unload(WSID),
  788    !,
  789    Reason = unload.
  790destroy_reason(_, close).
 update_session_timeout(+WSID) is det
WSID was lost. If this is the only websocket on this session we reduce the session timeout to 15 minutes. This cooperates with accept_chat/3, which sets the session timeout to 100 days for as long as we have an active websocket connection.
  799update_session_timeout(WSID) :-
  800    wsid_session(WSID, Session),
  801    !,
  802    (   wsid_session(WSID2, Session),
  803        WSID2 \== WSID
  804    ->  true
  805    ;   debug(chat(websocket), 'Websocket ~p was last in session ~p',
  806              [ WSID, Session]),
  807        http_set_session(Session, timeout(900))
  808    ).
Reclaim all visitors with whom we have lost the connection and the browser did not reclaim the session within session_lost_timeout seconds.

This also updates active_wsid/2 to reflect the current status.

  819:- dynamic gc_status/1.  820
  821gc_visitors :-
  822    swish_config(session_lost_timeout, TMO),
  823    gc_status(Status),
  824    (   Status == running
  825    ->  true
  826    ;   Status = completed(When),
  827        get_time(Now),
  828        Now-When > TMO
  829    ->  fail
  830    ;   retractall(gc_status(completed(_)))
  831    ),
  832    !.
  833gc_visitors :-
  834    swish_config(session_lost_timeout, TMO),
  835    catch(thread_create(gc_visitors_sync(TMO), _Id,
  836                        [ alias('swish_chat_gc_visitors'),
  837                          detached(true)
  838                        ]),
  839          error(permission_error(create, thread, _), _),
  840          true).
  842gc_visitors_sync(TMO) :-
  843    setup_call_cleanup(
  844        asserta(gc_status(running), Ref),
  845        ( do_gc_visitors(TMO),
  846          get_time(Now),
  847          asserta(gc_status(completed(Now)))
  848        ),
  849        erase(Ref)).
  851do_gc_visitors(TMO) :-
  852    findall(WSID-Consumer,
  853            active_visitor(TMO, WSID, Consumer),
  854            Pairs),
  855    transaction(
  856        ( retractall(active_wsid(_,_)),
  857          forall(member(WSID-Consumer, Pairs),
  858                 assertz(active_wsid(WSID, Consumer))))).
  860active_visitor(TMO, WSID, Consumer) :-
  861    wsid_session(WSID, _Session, Consumer),
  862    (   valid_visitor(WSID, TMO, Consumer)
  863    ->  true
  864    ;   reclaim_visitor(WSID),
  865        fail
  866    ).
  868valid_visitor(WSID, _TMO, _Consumer) :-
  869    hub_member(swish_chat, WSID),
  870    !.
  871valid_visitor(WSID, TMO, _Consumer) :-
  872    wsid_status(WSID, lost(Lost)),
  873    !,
  874    get_time(Now),
  875    Now - Lost < TMO.
  876valid_visitor(_WSID, _TMO, Consumer) :-
  877    use_redis,
  878    !,
  879    \+ redis_consumer(Consumer).
 reclaim_visitor(+WSID) is det
Reclaim a WSID connection. If the user left gracefully, this is called immediately. If we lost the connection on an error, this is eventually called (indirectly) by do_gc_visitors/1.
  887reclaim_visitor(WSID) :-
  888    debug(chat(gc), 'Reclaiming idle ~p', [WSID]),
  889    reclaim_wsid_session(WSID),
  890    wsid_status_del(WSID),
  891    unsubscribe(WSID, _).
  893reclaim_wsid_session(WSID) :-
  894    (   wsid_session_reclaim(WSID, Session)
  895    ->  http_session_retractall(websocket(_, _), Session)
  896    ;   true
  897    ).
 create_session_user(+Session, -User, -UserData, +Options)
Associate a user with the session. The user id is a UUID that is not associated with any persistent notion of a user. The destruction is left to the destruction of the session.
  905:- listen(http_session(end(SessionID, _Peer)),
  906          destroy_session_user(SessionID)).  907
  908create_session_user(Session, TmpUser, UserData, _Options) :-
  909    session_user(Session, TmpUser),
  910    visitor_data(TmpUser, UserData),
  911    !.
  912create_session_user(Session, TmpUser, UserData, Options) :-
  913    uuid(TmpUser),
  914    get_visitor_data(UserData, Options),
  915    session_user_create(Session, TmpUser),
  916    visitor_data_set(TmpUser, UserData).
  918destroy_session_user(Session) :-
  919    forall(wsid_session(WSID, Session, _Token),
  920           inform_session_closed(WSID, Session)),
  921    wsid_session_del_session(Session),
  922    forall(session_user_del(Session, TmpUser),
  923           destroy_visitor_data(TmpUser)).
  925destroy_visitor_data(TmpUser) :-
  926    (   visitor_data_del(TmpUser, Data),
  927        release_avatar(Data.get(avatar)),
  928        fail
  929    ;   true
  930    ).
  932inform_session_closed(WSID, Session) :-
  933    ignore(hub_send(WSID, json(_{type:session_closed}))),
  934    session_user(Session, TmpUser),
  935    update_visitor_data(TmpUser, _Data, logout).
 update_visitor_data(+TmpUser, +Data, +Reason) is det
Update the user data for the visitor TmpUser to Data. This is rather complicated due to all the defaulting rules. Reason is one of:
To be done
- Create a more declarative description on where the various attributes must come from.
  952update_visitor_data(TmpUser, _Data, logout) :-
  953    !,
  954    anonymise_user_data(TmpUser, NewData),
  955    set_visitor_data(TmpUser, NewData, logout).
  956update_visitor_data(TmpUser, Data, Reason) :-
  957    profile_reason(Reason),
  958    !,
  959    (   visitor_data(TmpUser, Old)
  960    ;   Old = v{}
  961    ),
  962    copy_profile([name,avatar,email], Data, Old, New),
  963    set_visitor_data(TmpUser, New, Reason).
  964update_visitor_data(TmpUser, _{name:Name}, 'set-nick-name') :-
  965    !,
  966    visitor_data(TmpUser, Old),
  967    set_nick_name(Old, Name, New),
  968    set_visitor_data(TmpUser, New, 'set-nick-name').
  969update_visitor_data(TmpUser, Data, Reason) :-
  970    set_visitor_data(TmpUser, Data, Reason).
  975copy_profile([], _, Data, Data).
  976copy_profile([H|T], New, Data0, Data) :-
  977    copy_profile_field(H, New, Data0, Data1),
  978    copy_profile(T, New, Data1, Data).
  980copy_profile_field(avatar, New, Data0, Data) :-
  981    !,
  982    (   Data1 = Data0.put(avatar,New.get(avatar))
  983    ->  Data  = Data1.put(avatar_source, profile)
  984    ;   email_gravatar(New.get(email), Avatar),
  985        valid_gravatar(Avatar)
  986    ->  Data = Data0.put(_{avatar:Avatar,avatar_source:email})
  987    ;   Avatar = Data0.get(anonymous_avatar)
  988    ->  Data = Data0.put(_{avatar:Avatar,avatar_source:client})
  989    ;   noble_avatar_url(Avatar, []),
  990        Data = Data0.put(_{avatar:Avatar,avatar_source:generated,
  991                           anonymous_avatar:Avatar
  992                          })
  993    ).
  994copy_profile_field(email, New, Data0, Data) :-
  995    !,
  996    (   NewMail = New.get(email)
  997    ->  update_avatar_from_email(NewMail, Data0, Data1),
  998        Data = Data1.put(email, NewMail)
  999    ;   update_avatar_from_email('', Data0, Data1),
 1000        (   del_dict(email, Data1, _, Data)
 1001        ->  true
 1002        ;   Data = Data1
 1003        )
 1004    ).
 1005copy_profile_field(F, New, Data0, Data) :-
 1006    (   Data = Data0.put(F, New.get(F))
 1007    ->  true
 1008    ;   del_dict(F, Data0, _, Data)
 1009    ->  true
 1010    ;   Data = Data0
 1011    ).
 1013set_nick_name(Data0, Name, Data) :-
 1014    Data = Data0.put(_{name:Name, anonymous_name:Name}).
 update_avatar_from_email(+Email, +DataIn, -Data)
Update the avatar after a change of the known email. If the avatar comes from the profile, no action is needed. If Email has a gravatar, use that. Else use the know or a new generated avatar.
 1023update_avatar_from_email(_, Data, Data) :-
 1024    Data.get(avatar_source) == profile,
 1025    !.
 1026update_avatar_from_email('', Data0, Data) :-
 1027    Data0.get(avatar_source) == email,
 1028    !,
 1029    noble_avatar_url(Avatar, []),
 1030    Data = Data0.put(_{avatar:Avatar, anonymous_avatar:Avatar,
 1031                       avatar_source:generated}).
 1032update_avatar_from_email(Email, Data0, Data) :-
 1033    email_gravatar(Email, Avatar),
 1034    valid_gravatar(Avatar),
 1035    !,
 1036    Data = Data0.put(avatar, Avatar).
 1037update_avatar_from_email(_, Data0, Data) :-
 1038    (   Avatar = Data0.get(anonymous_avatar)
 1039    ->  Data = Data0.put(_{avatar:Avatar, avatar_source:client})
 1040    ;   noble_avatar_url(Avatar, []),
 1041        Data = Data0.put(_{avatar:Avatar, anonymous_avatar:Avatar,
 1042                           avatar_source:generated})
 1043    ).
 anonymise_user_data(TmpUser, Data)
Create anonymous user profile.
 1049anonymise_user_data(TmpUser, Data) :-
 1050    visitor_data(TmpUser, Old),
 1051    (   _{anonymous_name:AName, anonymous_avatar:AAvatar} :< Old
 1052    ->  Data = _{anonymous_name:AName, anonymous_avatar:AAvatar,
 1053                 name:AName, avatar:AAvatar, avatar_source:client}
 1054    ;   _{anonymous_avatar:AAvatar} :< Old
 1055    ->  Data = _{anonymous_avatar:AAvatar,
 1056                 avatar:AAvatar, avatar_source:client}
 1057    ;   _{anonymous_name:AName} :< Old
 1058    ->  noble_avatar_url(Avatar, []),
 1059        Data = _{anonymous_name:AName, anonymous_avatar:Avatar,
 1060                 name:AName, avatar:Avatar, avatar_source:generated}
 1061    ),
 1062    !.
 1063anonymise_user_data(_, Data) :-
 1064    noble_avatar_url(Avatar, []),
 1065    Data = _{anonymous_avatar:Avatar,
 1066             avatar:Avatar, avatar_source:generated}.
 set_visitor_data(+TmpUser, +Data, +Reason) is det
Update the user data for the session user TmpUser and forward the changes.
 1073set_visitor_data(TmpUser, Data, Reason) :-
 1074    visitor_data_set(TmpUser, Data),
 1075    inform_visitor_change(TmpUser, Reason).
 inform_visitor_change(+TmpUser, +Reason) is det
Inform browsers showing TmpUser that the visitor data has changed. The first clause deals with forwarding from HTTP requests, where we have the session and the second from websocket requests where we have the WSID.
 1084inform_visitor_change(TmpUser, Reason) :-
 1085    http_in_session(Session),
 1086    !,
 1087    public_user_data(TmpUser, Data),
 1088    forall(wsid_session(WSID, Session),
 1089           inform_friend_change(WSID, Data, Reason)).
 1090inform_visitor_change(TmpUser, Reason) :-
 1091    nb_current(wsid, WSID),
 1092    !,
 1093    public_user_data(TmpUser, Data),
 1094    inform_friend_change(WSID, Data, Reason).
 1095inform_visitor_change(_, _).
 1097inform_friend_change(WSID, Data, Reason) :-
 1098    Message = json(_{ type:"profile",
 1099                      wsid:WSID,
 1100                      reason:Reason
 1101                    }.put(Data)),
 1102    send_friends(WSID, Message).
 sync_gazers(+WSID, +Files:list(atom)) is det
A browser signals it has Files open. This happens when a SWISH instance is created as well as when a SWISH instance changes state, such as closing a tab, adding a tab, bringing a tab to the foreground, etc.
 1111sync_gazers(WSID, Files0) :-
 1112    findall(F, subscription(WSID, gitty, F), Viewing0),
 1113    sort(Files0, Files),
 1114    sort(Viewing0, Viewing),
 1115    (   Files == Viewing
 1116    ->  true
 1117    ;   ord_subtract(Files, Viewing, New),
 1118        add_gazing(WSID, New),
 1119        ord_subtract(Viewing, Files, Left),
 1120        del_gazing(WSID, Left)
 1121    ).
 1123add_gazing(_, []) :- !.
 1124add_gazing(WSID, Files) :-
 1125    inform_me_about_existing_gazers(WSID, Files),
 1126    inform_existing_gazers_about_newby(WSID, Files).
 1128inform_me_about_existing_gazers(WSID, Files) :-
 1129    hub_member(swish_chat, WSID),
 1130    !,
 1131    findall(Gazer, files_gazer(Files, Gazer), Gazers),
 1132    ignore(hub_send(WSID, json(_{type:"gazers", gazers:Gazers}))).
 1133inform_me_about_existing_gazers(_, _).
 1135files_gazer(Files, Gazer) :-
 1136    member(File, Files),
 1137    subscription(WSID, gitty, File),
 1138    wsid_session(WSID, Session),
 1139    session_user(Session, UID),
 1140    public_user_data(UID, Data),
 1141    Gazer = _{file:File, uid:UID, wsid:WSID}.put(Data).
 1143inform_existing_gazers_about_newby(WSID, Files) :-
 1144    forall(member(File, Files),
 1145           signal_gazer(WSID, File)).
 1147signal_gazer(WSID, File) :-
 1148    subscribe(WSID, gitty, File),
 1149    broadcast_event(opened(File), File, WSID).
 1151del_gazing(_, []) :- !.
 1152del_gazing(WSID, Files) :-
 1153    forall(member(File, Files),
 1154           del_gazing1(WSID, File)).
 1156del_gazing1(WSID, File) :-
 1157    broadcast_event(closed(File), File, WSID),
 1158    unsubscribe(WSID, gitty, File).
 add_user_details(+Message, -Enriched) is det
Add additional information to a message. Message must contain a uid field.
 1165add_user_details(Message, Enriched) :-
 1166    public_user_data(Message.uid, Data),
 1167    Enriched = Message.put(Data).
 public_user_data(+UID, -Public:dict) is det
True when Public provides the information we publically share about UID. This is currently the name and avatar.
 1174public_user_data(UID, Public) :-
 1175    visitor_data(UID, Data),
 1176    (   _{name:Name, avatar:Avatar} :< Data
 1177    ->  Public = _{name:Name, avatar:Avatar}
 1178    ;   _{avatar:Avatar} :< Data
 1179    ->  Public = _{avatar:Avatar}
 1180    ;   Public = _{}
 1181    ).
 get_visitor_data(-Data:dict, +Options) is det
Optain data for a new visitor. Options include:
Identity information provided by authenticate/2. Always present.
Avatar provided by the user
Nick name provided by the user.

Data always contains an avatar key and optionally contains a name and email key. If the avatar is generated there is also a key avatar_generated with the value true.

- This may check for avatar validity, which may take long. Possibly we should do this in a thread.
 1202get_visitor_data(Data, Options) :-
 1203    option(identity(Identity), Options),
 1204    findall(N-V, visitor_property(Identity, Options, N, V), Pairs),
 1205    dict_pairs(Data, v, Pairs).
 1207visitor_property(Identity, Options, name, Name) :-
 1208    (   user_property(Identity, name(Name))
 1209    ->  true
 1210    ;   option(nick_name(Name), Options)
 1211    ).
 1212visitor_property(Identity, _, email, Email) :-
 1213    user_property(Identity, email(Email)).
 1214visitor_property(Identity, Options, Name, Value) :-
 1215    (   user_property(Identity, avatar(Avatar))
 1216    ->  avatar_property(Avatar, profile, Name, Value)
 1217    ;   user_property(Identity, email(Email)),
 1218        email_gravatar(Email, Avatar),
 1219        valid_gravatar(Avatar)
 1220    ->  avatar_property(Avatar, email, Name, Value)
 1221    ;   option(avatar(Avatar), Options)
 1222    ->  avatar_property(Avatar, client, Name, Value)
 1223    ;   noble_avatar_url(Avatar, Options),
 1224        avatar_property(Avatar, generated, Name, Value)
 1225    ).
 1226visitor_property(_, Options, anonymous_name, Name) :-
 1227    option(nick_name(Name), Options).
 1228visitor_property(_, Options, anonymous_avatar, Avatar) :-
 1229    option(avatar(Avatar), Options).
 1232avatar_property(Avatar, _Source, avatar,        Avatar).
 1233avatar_property(_Avatar, Source, avatar_source, Source).
 1236                 /*******************************
 1237                 *         NOBLE AVATAR         *
 1238                 *******************************/
 1240:- http_handler(swish('avatar/'), reply_avatar, [id(avatar), prefix]).
HTTP handler for Noble Avatar images. Using create_avatar/2 re-creates avatars from the file name, so we can safely discard the avatar file store.

Not really. A new user gets a new avatar and this is based on whether or not the file exists. Probably we should maintain a db of handed out avatars and their last-use time stamp. How to do that? Current swish stats: 400K avatars, 3.2Gb data.

 1253reply_avatar(Request) :-
 1254    cors_enable,
 1255    option(path_info(Local), Request),
 1256    (   absolute_file_name(noble_avatar(Local), Path,
 1257                           [ access(read),
 1258                             file_errors(fail)
 1259                           ])
 1260    ->  true
 1261    ;   create_avatar(Local, Path)
 1262    ),
 1263    http_reply_file(Path, [unsafe(true)], Request).
 1266noble_avatar_url(HREF, Options) :-
 1267    option(avatar(HREF), Options),
 1268    !.
 1269noble_avatar_url(HREF, _Options) :-
 1270    swish_config:config(avatars, noble),
 1271    !,
 1272    noble_avatar(_Gender, Path, true),
 1273    file_base_name(Path, File),
 1274    http_absolute_location(swish(avatar/File), HREF, []).
 1275noble_avatar_url(HREF, _Options) :-
 1276    A is random(0x1FFFFF+1),
 1277    http_absolute_location(icons('avatar.svg'), HREF0, []),
 1278    format(atom(HREF), '~w#~d', [HREF0, A]).
 1282                 /*******************************
 1283                 *         BROADCASTING         *
 1284                 *******************************/
 chat_broadcast(+Message) is det
 chat_broadcast(+Message, +Channel) is det
Send Message to all known SWISH clients. Message is a valid JSON object, i.e., a dict or option list. When using Redis we send the message to the swish:chat pubsub channel and listening for swish:chat calls chat_broadcast_local/1,2 in each instance.
Channel- is either an atom or a term Channel/SubChannel, where both Channel and SubChannel are atoms.
 1297chat_broadcast(Message) :-
 1298    use_redis,
 1299    !,
 1300    redis(swish, publish(swish:chat, chat(Message) as prolog)).
 1301chat_broadcast(Message) :-
 1302    chat_broadcast_local(Message).
 1304chat_broadcast(Message, Channel) :-
 1305    use_redis,
 1306    !,
 1307    redis(swish, publish(swish:chat, chat(Message, Channel) as prolog)).
 1308chat_broadcast(Message, Channel) :-
 1309    chat_broadcast_local(Message, Channel).
 1312chat_broadcast_local(Message) :-
 1313    debug(chat(broadcast), 'Broadcast: ~p', [Message]),
 1314    hub_broadcast(swish_chat, json(Message)).
 1316chat_broadcast_local(Message, Channel/SubChannel) :-
 1317    !,
 1318    must_be(atom, Channel),
 1319    must_be(atom, SubChannel),
 1320    debug(chat(broadcast), 'Broadcast on ~p: ~p',
 1321          [Channel/SubChannel, Message]),
 1322    hub_broadcast(swish_chat, json(Message),
 1323                  subscribed(Channel, SubChannel)).
 1324chat_broadcast_local(Message, Channel) :-
 1325    must_be(atom, Channel),
 1326    debug(chat(broadcast), 'Broadcast on ~p: ~p', [Channel, Message]),
 1327    hub_broadcast(swish_chat, json(Message),
 1328                  subscribed(Channel)).
 subscribed(+Channel, +WSID) is semidet
 subscribed(+Channel, +SubChannel, +WSID) is semidet
Filter used by hub_broadcast/3. WSID is always a locally known web and active socket.
 1336subscribed(Channel, WSID) :-
 1337    subscription(WSID, Channel, _).
 1338subscribed(Channel, SubChannel, WSID) :-
 1339    subscription(WSID, Channel, SubChannel).
 1340subscribed(gitty, SubChannel, WSID) :-
 1341    swish_config:config(hangout, SubChannel),
 1342    \+ subscription(WSID, gitty, SubChannel).
 send_friends(+WSID, +Message)
Send Message to WSID and all its friends.
 1348send_friends(WSID, Message) :-
 1349    use_redis,
 1350    !,
 1351    redis(swish, publish(swish:chat, send_friends(WSID, Message) as prolog)).
 1352send_friends(WSID, Message) :-
 1353    send_friends_local(WSID, Message).
 1355send_friends_local(WSID, Message) :-
 1356    hub_send_if_on_me(WSID, Message),
 1357    forall(distinct(viewing_same_file(WSID, Friend)),
 1358           ignore(hub_send_if_on_me(Friend, Message))).
 1360hub_send_if_on_me(WSID, Message) :-
 1361    hub_member(swish_chat, WSID),
 1362    !,
 1363    hub_send(WSID, Message).
 1364hub_send_if_on_me(_, _).
 1366viewing_same_file(WSID, Friend) :-
 1367    subscription(WSID, gitty, File),
 1368    subscription(Friend, gitty, File),
 1369    Friend \== WSID.
 1372		 /*******************************
 1373		 *      REDIS CONNNECTION       *
 1374		 *******************************/
 1376:- initialization
 1377    listen(redis(_, 'swish:chat', Message),
 1378           chat_message(Message)). 1379
 1380chat_message(chat(Message)) :-
 1381    update_visitors(Message),
 1382    chat_broadcast_local(Message).
 1383chat_message(chat(Message, Channel)) :-
 1384    chat_broadcast_local(Message, Channel).
 1385chat_message(send_friends(WSID, Message)) :-
 1386    send_friends_local(WSID, Message).
 update_visitors(+Msg) is det
Maintain notion of active users based on broadcasted (re)join and left messages. We sync every 5 minutes to compensate for possible missed users.
 1394:- dynamic
 1395       (   last_wsid_sync/1,
 1396	   active_wsid/2
 1397       ) as volatile. 1398
 1400  _{type:removeUser, wsid:WSID} :< Msg =>
 1401    retractall(active_wsid(WSID, _)).
 1403  _{type:joined, wsid:WSID} :< Msg,
 1404  \+ active_wsid(WSID, _) =>
 1405    asserta(active_wsid(WSID, Msg.get(consumer, -))).
 1407  _{type:rejoined, wsid:WSID} :< Msg,
 1408  \+ active_wsid(WSID, _) =>
 1409    asserta(active_wsid(WSID, Msg.get(consumer, -))).
 1410update_visitors(_) =>
 1411    true.
 1413active_wsid_count(Count) :-
 1414    predicate_property(active_wsid(_,_), number_of_clauses(Count)),
 1415    !.
 1418active_wsid_count(Consumer, Count) :-
 1419    aggregate(count, WSID^active_wsid(WSID, Consumer), Count).
 1422                 /*******************************
 1423                 *           CHAT ROOM          *
 1424                 *******************************/
 1426create_chat_room :-
 1427    current_hub(swish_chat, _),
 1428    !.
 1429create_chat_room :-
 1430    with_mutex(swish_chat, create_chat_room_sync).
 1432create_chat_room_sync :-
 1433    current_hub(swish_chat, _),
 1434    !.
 1435create_chat_room_sync :-
 1436    hub_create(swish_chat, Room, _{}),
 1437    thread_create(swish_chat(Room), _, [alias(swish_chat)]).
 1439swish_chat(Room) :-
 1440    (   catch_with_backtrace(swish_chat_event(Room), E, chat_exception(E))
 1441    ->  true
 1442    ;   print_message(warning, goal_failed(swish_chat_event(Room)))
 1443    ),
 1444    swish_chat(Room).
 1446chat_exception('$aborted') :- !.
 1447chat_exception(E) :-
 1448    print_message(warning, E).
 1450swish_chat_event(Room) :-
 1451    thread_get_message(Room.queues.event, Message),
 1452    (   handle_message(Message, Room)
 1453    ->  true
 1454    ;   print_message(warning, goal_failed(handle_message(Message, Room)))
 1455    ).
 handle_message(+Message, +Room)
Handle incoming messages. This handles messages from our websocket connections, i.e., this does not see messages on other (Redis) instances.
 1463handle_message(Message, _Room) :-
 1464    websocket{opcode:text} :< Message,
 1465    !,
 1466    atom_json_dict(, JSON, []),
 1467    debug(chat(received), 'Received from ~p: ~p', [Message.client, JSON]),
 1468    WSID = Message.client,
 1469    (   current_wsid(WSID)
 1470    ->  setup_call_cleanup(
 1471            b_setval(wsid, WSID),
 1472            json_message(JSON, WSID),
 1473            nb_delete(wsid))
 1474    ;   debug(chat(visitor), 'Ignored ~p (WSID ~p unknown)', [Message, WSID])
 1475    ).
 1476handle_message(Message, _Room) :-
 1477    hub{joined:WSID} :< Message,
 1478    !,
 1479    debug(chat(visitor), 'Joined: ~p', [WSID]).
 1480handle_message(Message, _Room) :-
 1481    hub{left:WSID, reason:write(Lost)} :< Message,
 1482    !,
 1483    (   destroy_visitor(WSID)
 1484    ->  debug(chat(visitor), 'Left ~p due to write error for ~p',
 1485              [WSID, Lost])
 1486    ;   true
 1487    ).
 1488handle_message(Message, _Room) :-
 1489    hub{left:WSID} :< Message,
 1490    !,
 1491    (   destroy_visitor(WSID)
 1492    ->  debug(chat(visitor), 'Left: ~p', [WSID])
 1493    ;   true
 1494    ).
 1495handle_message(Message, _Room) :-
 1496    websocket{opcode:close, client:WSID} :< Message,
 1497    !,
 1498    debug(chat(visitor), 'Left: ~p', [WSID]),
 1499    destroy_visitor(WSID).
 1500handle_message(Message, _Room) :-
 1501    debug(chat(ignored), 'Ignoring chat message ~p', [Message]).
 json_message(+Message, +WSID) is det
Process a JSON message translated to a dict. The following messages are understood:
 1520json_message(Dict, WSID) :-
 1521    _{ type: "subscribe",
 1522       channel:ChannelS, sub_channel:SubChannelS} :< Dict,
 1523    !,
 1524    atom_string(Channel, ChannelS),
 1525    atom_string(SubChannel, SubChannelS),
 1526    subscribe(WSID, Channel, SubChannel).
 1527json_message(Dict, WSID) :-
 1528    _{type: "subscribe", channel:ChannelS} :< Dict,
 1529    !,
 1530    atom_string(Channel, ChannelS),
 1531    subscribe(WSID, Channel).
 1532json_message(Dict, WSID) :-
 1533    _{ type: "unsubscribe",
 1534       channel:ChannelS, sub_channel:SubChannelS} :< Dict,
 1535    !,
 1536    atom_string(Channel, ChannelS),
 1537    atom_string(SubChannel, SubChannelS),
 1538    unsubscribe(WSID, Channel, SubChannel).
 1539json_message(Dict, WSID) :-
 1540    _{type: "unsubscribe", channel:ChannelS} :< Dict,
 1541    !,
 1542    atom_string(Channel, ChannelS),
 1543    unsubscribe(WSID, Channel).
 1544json_message(Dict, WSID) :-
 1545    _{type: "unload"} :< Dict,     % clean close/reload
 1546    !,
 1547    sync_gazers(WSID, []),
 1548    wsid_status_set_unload(WSID).
 1549json_message(Dict, WSID) :-
 1550    _{type: "has-open-files", files:FileDicts} :< Dict,
 1551    !,
 1552    maplist(dict_file_name, FileDicts, Files),
 1553    sync_gazers(WSID, Files).
 1554json_message(Dict, WSID) :-
 1555    _{type: "reloaded", file:FileS, commit:Hash} :< Dict,
 1556    !,
 1557    atom_string(File, FileS),
 1558    event_html(reloaded(File), HTML),
 1559    Message = _{ type:notify,
 1560                 wsid:WSID,
 1561                 html:HTML,
 1562                 event:reloaded,
 1563                 argv:[File,Hash]
 1564               },
 1565    chat_broadcast(Message, gitty/File).
 1566json_message(Dict, WSID) :-
 1567    _{type: "set-nick-name", name:Name} :< Dict,
 1568    !,
 1569    wsid_visitor(WSID, Visitor),
 1570    update_visitor_data(Visitor, _{name:Name}, 'set-nick-name').
 1571json_message(Dict, WSID) :-
 1572    _{type: "chat-message", docid:DocID} :< Dict,
 1573    !,
 1574    chat_add_user_id(WSID, Dict, Message),
 1575    (   forbidden(Message, DocID, Why)
 1576    ->  hub_send(WSID, json(json{type:forbidden,
 1577                                 action:chat_post,
 1578                                 about:DocID,
 1579                                 message:Why
 1580                                }))
 1581    ;   chat_relay(Message)
 1582    ).
 1583json_message(Dict, _WSID) :-
 1584    debug(chat(ignored), 'Ignoring JSON message ~p', [Dict]).
 1586dict_file_name(Dict, File) :-
 1587    atom_string(File, Dict.get(file)).
 forbidden(+Message, +DocID, -Why) is semidet
True if the chat Message about DocID must be forbidden, in which case Why is unified with a string indicating the reason. Currently:
To be done
- Call authorized/2 with all proper identity information.
 1600forbidden(Message, DocID, Why) :-
 1601    \+ swish_config:config(chat_spam_protection, false),
 1602    \+ ws_authorized(chat(post(Message, DocID)), Message.user),
 1603    !,
 1604    Why = "Due to frequent spamming we were forced to limit \c
 1605               posting chat messages to users who are logged in.".
 1606forbidden(Message, _DocID, Why) :-
 1607    Text = Message.get(text),
 1608    string_length(Text, Len),
 1609    Len > 500,
 1610    Why = "Chat messages are limited to 500 characters".
 1611forbidden(Message, _DocID, Why) :-
 1612    Payloads = Message.get(payload),
 1613    member(Payload, Payloads),
 1614    large_payload(Payload, Why),
 1615    !.
 1616forbidden(Message, _DocID, Why) :-
 1617    \+ swish_config:config(chat_spam_protection, false),
 1618    eval_content(Message.get(text), _WC, Score),
 1619    user_score(Message, Score, Cummulative, _Count),
 1620    Score*2 + Cummulative < 0,
 1621    !,
 1622    Why = "Chat messages must be in English and avoid offensive language".
 1624large_payload(Payload, Why) :-
 1625    Selections = Payload.get(selection),
 1626    member(Selection, Selections),
 1627    (   string_length(Selection.get(string), SelLen), SelLen > 500
 1628    ;   string_length(Selection.get(context), SelLen), SelLen > 500
 1629    ),
 1630    !,
 1631    Why = "Selection too long (max. 500 characters)".
 1632large_payload(Payload, Why) :-
 1633    string_length(Payload.get(query), QLen), QLen > 1000,
 1634    !,
 1635    Why = "Query too long (max. 1000 characters)".
 1637user_score(Message, MsgScore, Cummulative, Count) :-
 1638    Profile = Message.get(user).get(profile_id),
 1639    !,
 1640    block(Profile, MsgScore, Cummulative, Count).
 1641user_score(_, _, 0, 1).
 block(+User, +Score, -Cummulative, -Count)
Keep a count and cummulative score for a user.
 1647:- dynamic
 1648    blocked/4. 1649
 1650block(User, Score, Cummulative, Count) :-
 1651    blocked(User, Score0, Count0, Time),
 1652    !,
 1653    get_time(Now),
 1654    Cummulative = Score0*(0.5**((Now-Time)/600)) + Score,
 1655    Count is Count0 + 1,
 1656    asserta(blocked(User, Cummulative, Count, Now)),
 1657    retractall(blocked(User, Score0, Count0, Time)).
 1658block(User, Score, Score, 1) :-
 1659    get_time(Now),
 1660    asserta(blocked(User, Score, 1, Now)).
 1663                 /*******************************
 1664                 *         CHAT MESSAGES        *
 1665                 *******************************/
 chat_add_user_id(+WSID, +Message0, -Message) is det
Decorate a message with the user credentials.
 1671chat_add_user_id(WSID, Dict, Message) :-
 1672    wsid_session(WSID, Session),
 1673    session_user(Session, Visitor),
 1674    visitor_data(Visitor, UserData),
 1675    User0 = u{avatar:UserData.avatar,
 1676              wsid:WSID
 1677             },
 1678    (   Name = UserData.get(name)
 1679    ->  User1 = User0.put(name, Name)
 1680    ;   User1 = User0
 1681    ),
 1682    (   http_current_session(Session, profile_id(ProfileID))
 1683    ->  User = User1.put(profile_id, ProfileID)
 1684    ;   User = User1
 1685    ),
 1686    Message = Dict.put(user, User).
 chat_about(+DocID, +Message) is det
Distribute a chat message about DocID.
 1693chat_about(DocID, Message) :-
 1694    chat_relay(Message.put(docid, DocID)).
 chat_relay(+Message) is det
Store and relay a chat message.
 1700chat_relay(Message) :-
 1701    chat_enrich(Message, Message1),
 1702    chat_send(Message1).
 chat_enrich(+Message0, -Message) is det
Add time and identifier to the chat message.
 1708chat_enrich(Message0, Message) :-
 1709    get_time(Now),
 1710    uuid(ID),
 1711    Message = Message0.put(_{time:Now, id:ID}).
Relay the chat message Message. If the message has a volatile property it is broadcasted, but not stored.
 1718chat_send(Message) :-
 1719    atom_concat("gitty:", File, Message.docid),
 1720    broadcast(swish(chat(Message))),
 1721    (   Message.get(volatile) == true
 1722    ->  true
 1723    ;   chat_store(Message)
 1724    ),
 1725    chat_broadcast(Message, gitty/File).
 1728                 /*******************************
 1729                 *            EVENTS            *
 1730                 *******************************/
 1732:- unlisten(swish(_)),
 1733   listen(swish(Event), chat_event(Event)).
 chat_event(+Event) is semidet
Event happened inside SWISH. Currently triggered events:
updated(+File, +From, +To)
File was updated from hash From to hash To.
Session was associated with user with profile ProfileID
User logged out. If the login was based on HTTP authentication ProfileID equals http.
 1747chat_event(Event) :-
 1748    broadcast_event(Event),
 1749    http_session_id(Session),
 1750    debug(event, 'Event: ~p, session ~q', [Event, Session]),
 1751    event_file(Event, File),
 1752    !,
 1753    (   wsid_session(WSID, Session),
 1754        subscription(WSID, gitty, File)
 1755    ->  true
 1756    ;   wsid_session(WSID, Session)
 1757    ->  true
 1758    ;   WSID = undefined
 1759    ),
 1760    session_broadcast_event(Event, File, Session, WSID).
 1761chat_event(logout(_ProfileID)) :-
 1762    !,
 1763    http_session_id(Session),
 1764    session_user(Session, User),
 1765    update_visitor_data(User, _, logout).
 1766chat_event(visitor_count(Count)) :-             % request
 1767    visitor_count(Count).
 1768chat_event(visitor_count(Cluster, Local)) :-             % request
 1769    visitor_count(Cluster),
 1770    (   use_redis,
 1771        redis_consumer(Consumer)
 1772    ->  (   active_wsid_count(Consumer, Local)
 1773        ->  true
 1774        ;   Local = 0
 1775        )
 1776    ;   Local = Cluster
 1777    ).
 1779:- if(current_predicate(current_profile/2)). 1780
 1781chat_event(profile(ProfileID)) :-
 1782    !,
 1783    current_profile(ProfileID, Profile),
 1784    http_session_id(Session),
 1785    session_user(Session, User),
 1786    update_visitor_data(User, Profile, login).
 propagate_profile_change(+ProfileID, +Attribute, +Value)
Trap external changes to the profile.
 1792:- listen(user_profile(modified(ProfileID, Name, _Old, New)),
 1793          propagate_profile_change(ProfileID, Name, New)). 1794
 1795propagate_profile_change(ProfileID, _, _) :-
 1796    http_current_session(Session, profile_id(ProfileID)),
 1797    session_user(Session, User),
 1798    current_profile(ProfileID, Profile),
 1799    update_visitor_data(User, Profile, 'profile-edit').
 1801:- endif.
 broadcast_event(+Event) is semidet
If true, broadcast this event.
 1807broadcast_event(updated(_File, _Commit)).
 broadcast_event(+Event, +File, +WSID) is det
Event happened that is related to File in WSID. Broadcast it to subscribed users as a notification. Always succeeds, also if the message cannot be delivered.
To be done
- Extend the structure to allow other browsers to act.
 1818broadcast_event(Event, File, WSID) :-
 1819    wsid_session(WSID, Session),
 1820    session_broadcast_event(Event, File, Session, WSID),
 1821    !.
 1822broadcast_event(_, _, _).
 1824session_broadcast_event(Event, File, Session, WSID) :-
 1825    session_user(Session, UID),
 1826    event_html(Event, HTML),
 1827    Event =.. [EventName|Argv],
 1828    Message0 = _{ type:notify,
 1829                  uid:UID,
 1830                  html:HTML,
 1831                  event:EventName,
 1832                  event_argv:Argv,
 1833                  wsid:WSID
 1834                },
 1835    add_user_details(Message0, Message),
 1836    chat_broadcast(Message, gitty/File).
 event_html(+Event, -HTML:string) is det
Describe an event as an HTML message to be displayed in the client's notification area.
 1843event_html(Event, HTML) :-
 1844    (   phrase(event_message(Event), Tokens)
 1845    ->  true
 1846    ;   phrase(html('Unknown-event: ~p'-[Event]), Tokens)
 1847    ),
 1848    delete(Tokens, nl(_), SingleLine),
 1849    with_output_to(string(HTML), print_html(SingleLine)).
 1851event_message(created(File)) -->
 1852    html([ 'Created ', \file(File) ]).
 1853event_message(reloaded(File)) -->
 1854    html([ 'Reloaded ', \file(File) ]).
 1855event_message(updated(File, _Commit)) -->
 1856    html([ 'Saved ', \file(File) ]).
 1857event_message(deleted(File, _From, _To)) -->
 1858    html([ 'Deleted ', \file(File) ]).
 1859event_message(closed(File)) -->
 1860    html([ 'Closed ', \file(File) ]).
 1861event_message(opened(File)) -->
 1862    html([ 'Opened ', \file(File) ]).
 1863event_message(download(File)) -->
 1864    html([ 'Opened ', \file(File) ]).
 1865event_message(download(Store, FileOrHash, Format)) -->
 1866    { event_file(download(Store, FileOrHash, Format), File)
 1867    },
 1868    html([ 'Opened ', \file(File) ]).
 1870file(File) -->
 1871    html(a(href('/p/'+File), File)).
 event_file(+Event, -File) is semidet
True when Event is associated with File.
 1877event_file(created(File, _Commit), File).
 1878event_file(updated(File, _Commit), File).
 1879event_file(deleted(File, _Commit), File).
 1880event_file(download(Store, FileOrHash, _Format), File) :-
 1881    (   is_gitty_hash(FileOrHash)
 1882    ->  gitty_commit(Store, FileOrHash, Meta),
 1883        File =
 1884    ;   File = FileOrHash
 1885    ).
 1888                 /*******************************
 1889                 *         NOTIFICATION         *
 1890                 *******************************/
 chat_to_profile(ProfileID, :HTML) is det
Send a HTML notification to users logged in using ProfileID.
 1896chat_to_profile(ProfileID, HTML) :-
 1897    (   http_current_session(Session, profile_id(ProfileID)),
 1898        wsid_session(WSID, Session),
 1899        html_string(HTML, String),
 1900        hub_send(WSID, json(_{ wsid:WSID,
 1901                               type:notify,
 1902                               html:String
 1903                             })),
 1904        debug(notify(chat), 'Notify to ~p: ~p', [ProfileID, String]),
 1905        fail
 1906    ;   true
 1907    ).
 1909html_string(HTML, String) :-
 1910    phrase(html(HTML), Tokens),
 1911    delete(Tokens, nl(_), SingleLine),
 1912    with_output_to(string(String), print_html(SingleLine)).
 1917                 /*******************************
 1918                 *             UI               *
 1919                 *******************************/
The chat element is added to the navbar and managed by web/js/chat.js
 1926notifications(_Options) -->
 1927    { swish_config:config(chat, true) },
 1928    !,
 1929    html(div(class(chat),
 1930             [ div(class('chat-users'),
 1931                   ul([ class([nav, 'navbar-nav', 'pull-right']),
 1932                        id(chat)
 1933                      ], [])),
 1934               div(class('user-count'),
 1935                   [ span(id('user-count'), '?'),
 1936                     ' users online'
 1937                   ])
 1938             ])).
 1939notifications(_Options) -->
 1940    [].
Adds a bell to indicate central chat messages
 1946broadcast_bell(_Options) -->
 1947    { swish_config:config(chat, true),
 1948      swish_config:config(hangout, Hangout),
 1949      atom_concat('gitty:', Hangout, HangoutID)
 1950    },
 1951    !,
 1952    html([ a([ class(['dropdown-toggle', 'broadcast-bell']),
 1953               'data-toggle'(dropdown)
 1954             ],
 1955             [ span([ id('broadcast-bell'),
 1956                      'data-document'(HangoutID)
 1957                    ], []),
 1958               b(class(caret), [])
 1959             ]),
 1960           ul([ class(['dropdown-menu', 'pull-right']),
 1961                id('chat-menu')
 1962              ],
 1963              [ li(a('data-action'('chat-shared'),
 1964                     'Open hangout')),
 1965                li(a('data-action'('chat-about-file'),
 1966                     'Open chat for current file'))
 1967              ])
 1968         ]).
 1969broadcast_bell(_Options) -->
 1970    [].
 1973                 /*******************************
 1974                 *            MESSAGES          *
 1975                 *******************************/
 1977:- multifile
 1978    prolog:message_context//1. 1979
 1980prolog:message_context(websocket(reconnect(Passed, Score))) -->
 1981    [ 'WebSocket: too frequent reconnect requests (~1f sec; score = ~1f)'-
 1982      [Passed, Score] ]