35:- module(malloc_info,
36 [
37 ]). 38:- autoload(library(apply),[maplist/3,partition/4]). 39:- autoload(library(lists),[selectchk/3]). 40:- autoload(library(sgml),[load_xml/3]). 41
42:- use_foreign_library(foreign(mallocinfo)).
55:- if(current_predicate('$mallinfo'/1)). 56:- export(mallinfo/1).
69mallinfo(Info) :-
70 '$mallinfo'(List),
71 dict_create(Info, malinfo, List).
72:- endif. 73
74:- if(current_predicate('$malloc_info'/1)). 75:- export(malloc_info/1).
87malloc_info(Info) :-
88 '$malloc_info'(XML),
89 setup_call_cleanup(
90 open_string(XML, In),
91 load_xml(In, DOM, [space(remove)]),
92 close(In)),
93 malloc_dom_prolog(DOM, Info).
95malloc_dom_prolog([element(malloc, _, DOM)], Info) :-
96 maplist(malloc_prolog, DOM, List),
97 partition(is_dict, List, Heaps, Rest),
98 dict_create(Info, malloc, [heaps:Heaps|Rest]).
100malloc_prolog(element(heap, [nr=NRA], DOM), Heap) :-
101 !,
102 atom_number(NRA, NR),
103 maplist(heap_prolog, DOM, HeapProperties),
104 dict_create(Heap, heap, [nr-NR|HeapProperties]).
105malloc_prolog(Element, Pair) :-
106 misc_field(Element, Pair).
108heap_prolog(element(sizes, _, DOM), sizes-Sizes) :-
109 !,
110 maplist(chunk_size, DOM, Sizes).
111heap_prolog(Element, Pair) :-
112 misc_field(Element, Pair).
114misc_field(element(Name, Attrs0, []), Key-Value) :-
115 selectchk(type=Type, Attrs0, Attrs1),
116 atomic_list_concat([Name, '_', Type], Key),
117 maplist(attr_value, Attrs1, Attrs),
118 ( Attrs = [_=Value]
119 -> true
120 ; dict_create(Value, Name, Attrs)
121 ).
123chunk_size(element(size, Attrs0, []), Dict) :-
124 !,
125 maplist(attr_value, Attrs0, Attrs),
126 dict_create(Dict, size, Attrs).
127chunk_size(element(unsorted, Attrs0, []), Dict) :-
128 maplist(attr_value, Attrs0, Attrs),
129 dict_create(Dict, unsorted, Attrs).
131attr_value(Name=In, Name=Out) :-
132 atom_number(In, Out),
133 !.
134attr_value(Name=In, Name=Out) :-
135 atom_string(In, Out),
136 !.
138:- endif.
Memory allocation details
This library is provided if the clib package is compiled on a glibc based system, typically Linux. It provides access to the glibc ptmalloc informational functions for diagnosing memory usage. This library exports