All predicatesShow -- Provide Prolog I/O for HTML clients

This module redefines some of the standard Prolog I/O predicates to behave transparently for HTML clients. It provides two ways to redefine the standard predicates: using goal_expansion/2 and by redefining the system predicates using redefine_system_predicate/1. The latter is the preferred route because it gives a more predictable trace to the user and works regardless of the use of other expansion and meta-calling.

Redefining works by redefining the system predicates in the context of the pengine's module. This is configured using the following code snippet.

:- pengine_application(myapp).
:- use_module(myapp:library(pengines_io)).
pengines:prepare_module(Module, myapp, _Options) :-

Using goal_expansion/2 works by rewriting the corresponding goals using goal_expansion/2 and use the new definition to re-route I/O via pengine_input/2 and pengine_output/1. A pengine application is prepared for using this module with the following code:

:- pengine_application(myapp).
:- use_module(myapp:library(pengines_io)).
myapp:goal_expansion(In,Out) :-
      pengine_io_goal_expansion(In, Out).
Source pengine_writeln(+Term)
Emit Term as <span class=writeln>Term<br></span>.
Source pengine_nl
Emit a <br/> to the pengine.
Source pengine_tab(+N)
Emit N spaces
Source pengine_flush_output
No-op. Pengines do not use output buffering (maybe they should though).
Source pengine_write_term(+Term, +Options)
Writes term as <span class=Class>Term</span>. In addition to the options of write_term/2, these options are processed:
Specifies the class of the element. Default is write.
Source pengine_write(+Term) is det
Source pengine_writeq(+Term) is det
Source pengine_display(+Term) is det
Source pengine_print(+Term) is det
Source pengine_write_canonical(+Term) is det
Redirect the corresponding Prolog output predicates.
Source pengine_format(+Format) is det
Source pengine_format(+Format, +Args) is det
As format/1,2. Emits a series of strings with <br/> for each newline encountered in the string.
To be done
- : handle ~w, ~q, etc using term//2. How can we do that??
Source pengine_listing is det
Source pengine_listing(+Spec) is det
List the content of the current pengine or a specified predicate in the pengine.
Source user:message_hook(+Term, +Kind, +Lines) is semidet[multifile]
Send output from print_message/2 to the pengine. Messages are embedded in a <pre class=msg-Kind></pre> environment.
Source message_lines_to_html(+MessageLines, +Classes, -HTMLString) is det
Helper that translates the Lines argument from user:message_hook/3 into an HTML string. The HTML is a <pre> object with the class 'prolog-message' and the given Classes.
Source send_html(+HTML) is det
Convert html//1 term into a string and send it to the client using pengine_output/1.
Source pengine_module(-Module) is det[private]
Module (used for resolving operators).
 pengines:event_to_json(+Event, -JSON, +Format, +VarNames) is semidet[private]
Provide additional translations for Prolog terms to output. Defines formats are:
Simple or string format: Prolog terms are sent using quoted write.
Serialize responses as HTML string. This is intended for applications that emulate the Prolog toplevel. This format carries the following data:
List if answers, where each answer is an object with
Array of objects, each describing a variable. These objects contain these fields:
  • variables: Array of strings holding variable names
  • value: HTML-ified value of the variables
  • substitutions: Array of objects for substitutions that break cycles holding:
    • var: Name of the inserted variable
    • value: HTML-ified value
Array of strings representing HTML-ified residual goals.
 pengines:event_to_json(+PrologEvent, -JSONEvent, +Format, +VarNames)[private]
If Format equals 'json-s' or 'json-html', emit a simplified JSON representation of the data, suitable for notably SWISH. This deals with Prolog answers and output messages. If a message originates from print_message/3, it gets several additional properties:
Indicate the kind of the message (error, warning, etc.)
location:_69250{ch:CharPos, file:File, line:Line}
If the message is related to a source location, indicate the file and line and, if available, the character location.
Source answer_to_json_strings(+Pengine, +AnswerDictIn, -AnswerDict)[private]
Translate answer dict with Prolog term values into answer dict with string values.
 pengines:event_to_json(+Event, -JSON, +Format, +VarNames)[private]
Implement translation of a Pengine event to json-html format. This format represents the answer as JSON, but the variable bindings are (structured) HTML strings rather than JSON objects.

CHR residual goals are not bound to the projection variables. We hacked a bypass to fetch these by returning them in a variable named _residuals, which must be bound to a term '$residuals'(List). Such a variable is removed from the projection and added to residual goals.

Source binding_to_html(+Pengine, +Binding, -Dict) is det[private]
Convert a variable binding into a JSON Dict. Note that this code assumes that the module associated with Pengine has the same name as the Pengine. The module is needed to
Binding- is a term binding(Vars,Term,Substitutions)
Source term_html_string(+Term, +VarNames, +Module, -HTMLString, +Options) is det[private]
Translate Term into an HTML string using the operator declarations from Module. VarNames is a list of variable names that have this value.
Source binding_term(+Term, +Vars, +WriteOptions)// is semidet[multifile]
Hook to render a Prolog result term as HTML. This hook is called for each non-variable binding, passing the binding value as Term, the names of the variables as Vars and a list of options for write_term/3. If the hook fails, term//2 is called.
Vars- is a list of variable names or [] if Term is a residual goal.
Source subst_to_html(+Module, +Binding, -JSON) is det[private]
Render a variable substitution resulting from term factorization, in this case breaking a cycle.
Source map_output(+ID, +Term, -JSON) is det[private]
Map an output term. This is the same for json-s and json-html.
Source prolog_help:show_html_hook(+HTML)[multifile]
Hook into help/1 to render the help output in the SWISH console.
Source pengine_io_predicate(?Head)
True when Head describes the head of a (system) IO predicate that is redefined by the HTML binding.
Source pengine_bind_user_streams[private]
Bind the pengine user I/O streams to a Prolog stream that redirects the input and output to pengine_input/2 and pengine_output/1. This results in less pretty behaviour then redefining the I/O predicates to produce nice HTML, but does provide functioning I/O from included libraries.
Source pengine_output is semidet[private]
Source pengine_input is semidet[private]
True when output (input) is redirected to a pengine.
Source pengine_bind_io_to_html(+Module)
Redefine the built-in predicates for IO to send HTML messages using pengine_output/1.

Re-exported predicates

The following predicates are exported from this file while their implementation is defined in imported modules or non-module files loaded by this module.

Source pengine_write(+Term) is det
Source pengine_writeq(+Term) is det
Source pengine_display(+Term) is det
Source pengine_print(+Term) is det
Source pengine_write_canonical(+Term) is det
Redirect the corresponding Prolog output predicates.
Source pengine_write(+Term) is det
Source pengine_writeq(+Term) is det
Source pengine_display(+Term) is det
Source pengine_print(+Term) is det
Source pengine_write_canonical(+Term) is det
Redirect the corresponding Prolog output predicates.
Source pengine_write(+Term) is det
Source pengine_writeq(+Term) is det
Source pengine_display(+Term) is det
Source pengine_print(+Term) is det
Source pengine_write_canonical(+Term) is det
Redirect the corresponding Prolog output predicates.
Source pengine_write(+Term) is det
Source pengine_writeq(+Term) is det
Source pengine_display(+Term) is det
Source pengine_print(+Term) is det
Source pengine_write_canonical(+Term) is det
Redirect the corresponding Prolog output predicates.
Source pengine_format(+Format) is det
Source pengine_format(+Format, +Args) is det
As format/1,2. Emits a series of strings with <br/> for each newline encountered in the string.
To be done
- : handle ~w, ~q, etc using term//2. How can we do that??
Source pengine_listing is det
Source pengine_listing(+Spec) is det
List the content of the current pengine or a specified predicate in the pengine.

Undocumented predicates

The following predicates are exported, but not or incorrectly documented.

Source pengine_io_goal_expansion(Arg1, Arg2)
Source pengine_read_line_to_codes(Arg1, Arg2)
Source pengine_portray_clause(Arg1)
Source pengine_read(Arg1)
Source pengine_read_line_to_string(Arg1, Arg2)