37:- module(prolog_main,
38 [ main/0,
39 argv_options/3, 40 argv_options/4, 41 argv_usage/1, 42 cli_parse_debug_options/2, 43 cli_debug_opt_type/3, 44 cli_debug_opt_help/2, 45 cli_debug_opt_meta/2, 46 cli_enable_development_system/0
47 ]). 48:- use_module(library(debug), [debug/1]). 49:- autoload(library(apply), [maplist/2, maplist/3, partition/4]). 50:- autoload(library(lists), [append/3]). 51:- autoload(library(pairs), [pairs_keys/2, pairs_values/2]). 52:- autoload(library(prolog_code), [pi_head/2]). 53:- autoload(library(prolog_debug), [spy/1]). 54:- autoload(library(dcg/high_order), [sequence//3, sequence//2]). 55:- autoload(library(option), [option/2]). 56:- if(exists_source(library(doc_markdown))). 57:- autoload(library(doc_markdown), [print_markdown/2]). 58:- endif. 59
60:- meta_predicate
61 argv_options(:, -, -),
62 argv_options(:, -, -, +),
63 argv_usage(:). 64
65:- dynamic
66 interactive/0. 67
97:- module_transparent
98 main/0. 99
115main :-
116 current_prolog_flag(break_level, _),
117 !,
118 current_prolog_flag(argv, Av),
119 context_module(M),
120 M:main(Av).
121main :-
122 context_module(M),
123 set_signals,
124 current_prolog_flag(argv, Av),
125 catch_with_backtrace(M:main(Av), Error, throw(Error)),
126 ( interactive
127 -> cli_enable_development_system
128 ; true
129 ).
131set_signals :-
132 on_signal(int, _, interrupt).
139interrupt(_Sig) :-
140 halt(1).
142 145
246argv_options(M:Argv, Positional, Options) :-
247 in(M:opt_type(_,_,_)),
248 !,
249 argv_options(M:Argv, Positional, Options, [on_error(halt(1))]).
250argv_options(_:Argv, Positional, Options) :-
251 argv_untyped_options(Argv, Positional, Options).
268argv_options(Argv, Positional, Options, POptions) :-
269 option(on_error(halt(Code)), POptions),
270 !,
271 E = error(_,_),
272 catch(opt_parse(Argv, Positional, Options, POptions), E,
273 ( print_message(error, E),
274 halt(Code)
275 )).
276argv_options(Argv, Positional, Options, POptions) :-
277 opt_parse(Argv, Positional, Options, POptions).
287argv_untyped_options([], Pos, Opts) =>
288 Pos = [], Opts = [].
289argv_untyped_options([--|R], Pos, Ops) =>
290 Pos = R, Ops = [].
291argv_untyped_options([H0|T0], R, Ops), sub_atom(H0, 0, _, _, --) =>
292 Ops = [H|T],
293 ( sub_atom(H0, B, _, A, =)
294 -> B2 is B-2,
295 sub_atom(H0, 2, B2, _, Name),
296 sub_string(H0, _, A, 0, Value0),
297 convert_option(Name, Value0, Value)
298 ; sub_atom(H0, 2, _, 0, Name0),
299 ( sub_atom(Name0, 0, _, _, 'no-')
300 -> sub_atom(Name0, 3, _, 0, Name),
301 Value = false
302 ; Name = Name0,
303 Value = true
304 )
305 ),
306 canonical_name(Name, PlName),
307 H =.. [PlName,Value],
308 argv_untyped_options(T0, R, T).
309argv_untyped_options([H|T0], Ops, T) =>
310 Ops = [H|R],
311 argv_untyped_options(T0, R, T).
313convert_option(password, String, String) :- !.
314convert_option(_, String, Number) :-
315 number_string(Number, String),
316 !.
317convert_option(_, String, Atom) :-
318 atom_string(Atom, String).
320canonical_name(Name, PlName) :-
321 split_string(Name, "-_", "", Parts),
322 atomic_list_concat(Parts, '_', PlName).
334opt_parse(M:Argv, _Positional, _Options, _POptions) :-
335 opt_needs_help(M:Argv),
336 !,
337 argv_usage(M:debug),
338 halt(0).
339opt_parse(M:Argv, Positional, Options, POptions) :-
340 opt_parse(Argv, Positional, Options, M, POptions).
342opt_needs_help(M:[Arg]) :-
343 in(M:opt_type(_, help, boolean)),
344 !,
345 in(M:opt_type(Opt, help, boolean)),
346 ( short_opt(Opt)
347 -> atom_concat(-, Opt, Arg)
348 ; atom_concat(--, Opt, Arg)
349 ),
350 !.
355opt_parse([], Positional, Options, _, _) =>
356 Positional = [],
357 Options = [].
358opt_parse([--|T], Positional, Options, _, _) =>
359 Positional = T,
360 Options = [].
361opt_parse([H|T], Positional, Options, M, POptions), atom_concat(--, Long, H) =>
362 take_long(Long, T, Positional, Options, M, POptions).
363opt_parse([H|T], Positional, Options, M, POptions),
364 H \== '-',
365 string_concat(-, Opts, H) =>
366 string_chars(Opts, Shorts),
367 take_shorts(Shorts, T, Positional, Options, M, POptions).
368opt_parse(Argv, Positional, Options, _M, POptions),
369 option(options_after_arguments(false), POptions) =>
370 Positional = Argv,
371 Options = [].
372opt_parse([H|T], Positional, Options, M, POptions) =>
373 Positional = [H|PT],
374 opt_parse(T, PT, Options, M, POptions).
377take_long(Long, T, Positional, Options, M, POptions) :- 378 sub_atom(Long, B, _, A, =),
379 !,
380 sub_atom(Long, 0, B, _, LName0),
381 sub_atom(Long, _, A, 0, VAtom),
382 canonical_name(LName0, LName),
383 ( in(M:opt_type(LName, Name, Type))
384 -> opt_value(Type, Long, VAtom, Value),
385 Opt =.. [Name,Value],
386 Options = [Opt|OptionsT],
387 opt_parse(T, Positional, OptionsT, M, POptions)
388 ; opt_error(unknown_option(M:LName0))
389 ).
390take_long(LName0, T, Positional, Options, M, POptions) :- 391 canonical_name(LName0, LName),
392 take_long_(LName, T, Positional, Options, M, POptions).
394take_long_(Long, T, Positional, Options, M, POptions) :- 395 opt_bool_type(Long, Name, Value, M), 396 !,
397 Opt =.. [Name,Value],
398 Options = [Opt|OptionsT],
399 opt_parse(T, Positional, OptionsT, M, POptions).
400take_long_(Long, T, Positional, Options, M, POptions) :- 401 ( atom_concat('no_', LName, Long)
402 ; atom_concat('no', LName, Long)
403 ),
404 in(M:opt_type(LName, Name, Type)),
405 type_optional_bool(Type, Value0),
406 !,
407 negate(Value0, Value),
408 Opt =.. [Name,Value],
409 Options = [Opt|OptionsT],
410 opt_parse(T, Positional, OptionsT, M, POptions).
411take_long_(Long, T, Positional, Options, M, POptions) :- 412 in(M:opt_type(Long, Name, Type)),
413 type_optional_bool(Type, Value),
414 ( T = [VAtom|_],
415 sub_atom(VAtom, 0, _, _, -)
416 -> true
417 ; T == []
418 ),
419 Opt =.. [Name,Value],
420 Options = [Opt|OptionsT],
421 opt_parse(T, Positional, OptionsT, M, POptions).
422take_long_(Long, T, Positional, Options, M, POptions) :- 423 in(M:opt_type(Long, Name, Type)),
424 !,
425 ( T = [VAtom|T1]
426 -> opt_value(Type, Long, VAtom, Value),
427 Opt =.. [Name,Value],
428 Options = [Opt|OptionsT],
429 opt_parse(T1, Positional, OptionsT, M, POptions)
430 ; opt_error(missing_value(Long, Type))
431 ).
432take_long_(Long, _, _, _, M, _) :-
433 opt_error(unknown_option(M:Long)).
435take_shorts([], T, Positional, Options, M, POptions) :-
436 opt_parse(T, Positional, Options, M, POptions).
437take_shorts([H|T], Argv, Positional, Options, M, POptions) :-
438 opt_bool_type(H, Name, Value, M),
439 !,
440 Opt =.. [Name,Value],
441 Options = [Opt|OptionsT],
442 take_shorts(T, Argv, Positional, OptionsT, M, POptions).
443take_shorts([H|T], Argv, Positional, Options, M, POptions) :-
444 in(M:opt_type(H, Name, Type)),
445 !,
446 ( T == []
447 -> ( Argv = [VAtom|ArgvT]
448 -> opt_value(Type, H, VAtom, Value),
449 Opt =.. [Name,Value],
450 Options = [Opt|OptionsT],
451 take_shorts(T, ArgvT, Positional, OptionsT, M, POptions)
452 ; opt_error(missing_value(H, Type))
453 )
454 ; atom_chars(VAtom, T),
455 opt_value(Type, H, VAtom, Value),
456 Opt =.. [Name,Value],
457 Options = [Opt|OptionsT],
458 take_shorts([], Argv, Positional, OptionsT, M, POptions)
459 ).
460take_shorts([H|_], _, _, _, M, _) :-
461 opt_error(unknown_option(M:H)).
463opt_bool_type(Opt, Name, Value, M) :-
464 in(M:opt_type(Opt, Name, Type)),
465 type_bool(Type, Value).
467type_bool(Type, Value) :-
468 ( Type == boolean
469 -> Value = true
470 ; Type = boolean(Value)
471 ).
473type_optional_bool((A|B), Value) =>
474 ( type_optional_bool(A, Value)
475 -> true
476 ; type_optional_bool(B, Value)
477 ).
478type_optional_bool(Type, Value) =>
479 type_bool(Type, Value).
481negate(true, false).
482negate(false, true).
488opt_value(Type, _Opt, VAtom, Value) :-
489 opt_convert(Type, VAtom, Value),
490 !.
491opt_value(Type, Opt, VAtom, _) :-
492 opt_error(value_type(Opt, Type, VAtom)).
496opt_convert(A|B, Spec, Value) :-
497 ( opt_convert(A, Spec, Value)
498 -> true
499 ; opt_convert(B, Spec, Value)
500 ).
501opt_convert(boolean, Spec, Value) :-
502 to_bool(Spec, Value).
503opt_convert(boolean(_), Spec, Value) :-
504 to_bool(Spec, Value).
505opt_convert(number, Spec, Value) :-
506 atom_number(Spec, Value).
507opt_convert(integer, Spec, Value) :-
508 atom_number(Spec, Value),
509 integer(Value).
510opt_convert(float, Spec, Value) :-
511 atom_number(Spec, Value0),
512 Value is float(Value0).
513opt_convert(nonneg, Spec, Value) :-
514 atom_number(Spec, Value),
515 integer(Value),
516 Value >= 0.
517opt_convert(natural, Spec, Value) :-
518 atom_number(Spec, Value),
519 integer(Value),
520 Value >= 1.
521opt_convert(between(Low, High), Spec, Value) :-
522 atom_number(Spec, Value0),
523 ( ( float(Low) ; float(High) )
524 -> Value is float(Value0)
525 ; integer(Value0),
526 Value = Value0
527 ),
528 Value >= Low, Value =< High.
529opt_convert(atom, Value, Value).
530opt_convert(oneof(List), Value, Value) :-
531 memberchk(Value, List).
532opt_convert(string, Value0, Value) :-
533 atom_string(Value0, Value).
534opt_convert(file, Spec, Value) :-
535 prolog_to_os_filename(Value, Spec).
536opt_convert(file(Access), Spec, Value) :-
537 ( Spec == '-'
538 -> Value = '-'
539 ; prolog_to_os_filename(Value, Spec),
540 ( access_file(Value, Access)
541 -> true
542 ; opt_error(access_file(Spec, Access))
543 )
544 ).
545opt_convert(directory, Spec, Value) :-
546 prolog_to_os_filename(Value, Spec).
547opt_convert(directory(Access), Spec, Value) :-
548 prolog_to_os_filename(Value, Spec),
549 access_directory(Value, Access).
550opt_convert(term, Spec, Value) :-
551 term_string(Value, Spec, []).
552opt_convert(term(Options), Spec, Value) :-
553 term_string(Term, Spec, Options),
554 ( option(variable_names(Bindings), Options)
555 -> Value = Term-Bindings
556 ; Value = Term
557 ).
559access_directory(Dir, read) =>
560 exists_directory(Dir),
561 access_file(Dir, read).
562access_directory(Dir, write) =>
563 exists_directory(Dir),
564 access_file(Dir, write).
565access_directory(Dir, create) =>
566 ( exists_directory(Dir)
567 -> access_file(Dir, write)
568 ; \+ exists_file(Dir),
569 file_directory_name(Dir, Parent),
570 exists_directory(Parent),
571 access_file(Parent, write)
572 ).
574to_bool(true, true).
575to_bool('True', true).
576to_bool('TRUE', true).
577to_bool(on, true).
578to_bool('On', true).
579to_bool(yes, true).
580to_bool('Yes', true).
581to_bool('1', true).
582to_bool(false, false).
583to_bool('False', false).
584to_bool('FALSE', false).
585to_bool(off, false).
586to_bool('Off', false).
587to_bool(no, false).
588to_bool('No', false).
589to_bool('0', false).
618argv_usage(M:Level) :-
619 print_message(Level, opt_usage(M)).
621:- multifile
622 prolog:message//1. 623
624prolog:message(opt_usage(M)) -->
625 usage(M).
627usage(M) -->
628 usage_text(M:header),
629 usage_line(M),
630 usage_text(M:description),
631 usage_options(M),
632 usage_text(M:footer).
639usage_text(M:Which) -->
640 { in(M:opt_help(help(Which), Help))
641 },
642 !,
643 ( {Which == header ; Which == description}
644 -> user_text(M:Help), [nl, nl]
645 ; [nl], user_text(M:Help)
646 ).
647usage_text(_) -->
648 [].
650user_text(M:Entries) -->
651 { is_list(Entries) },
652 !,
653 sequence(help_elem(M), Entries).
654:- if(current_predicate(print_markdown/2)). 655user_text(_:md(Help)) -->
656 !,
657 { with_output_to(string(String),
658 ( current_output(S),
659 set_stream(S, tty(true)),
660 print_markdown(Help, []))) },
661 [ '~s'-[String] ].
662:- else. 663user_text(_:md(Help)) -->
664 !,
665 [ '~w'-[Help] ].
666:- endif. 667user_text(_:Help) -->
668 [ '~w'-[Help] ].
670help_elem(M, \Callable) -->
671 { callable(Callable) },
672 call(M:Callable),
673 !.
674help_elem(_M, Elem) -->
675 [ Elem ].
677usage_line(M) -->
678 { findall(Help, in(M:opt_help(help(usage), Help)), HelpLines)
679 },
680 [ ansi(comment, 'Usage: ', []) ],
681 ( {HelpLines == []}
682 -> cmdline(M), [ ' [options]'-[] ]
683 ; sequence(usage_line(M), [nl], HelpLines)
684 ),
685 [ nl, nl ].
687usage_line(M, Help) -->
688 [ '~t~8|'-[] ],
689 cmdline(M),
690 user_text(M:Help).
692cmdline(_M) -->
693 { current_prolog_flag(app_name, App),
694 !,
695 current_prolog_flag(os_argv, [Argv0|_])
696 },
697 cmdarg(Argv0), [' '-[], ansi(bold, '~w', [App])].
698cmdline(_M) -->
699 { current_prolog_flag(associated_file, AbsFile),
700 file_base_name(AbsFile, Base),
701 current_prolog_flag(os_argv, Argv),
702 append(Pre, [File|_], Argv),
703 file_base_name(File, Base),
704 append(Pre, [File], Cmd),
705 !
706 },
707 sequence(cmdarg, [' '-[]], Cmd).
708cmdline(_M) -->
709 { current_prolog_flag(saved_program, true),
710 current_prolog_flag(os_argv, OsArgv),
711 append(_, ['-x', State|_], OsArgv),
712 !
713 },
714 cmdarg(State).
715cmdline(_M) -->
716 { current_prolog_flag(os_argv, [Argv0|_])
717 },
718 cmdarg(Argv0).
720cmdarg(A) -->
721 [ '~w'-[A] ].
729usage_options(M) -->
730 { findall(Opt, get_option(M, Opt), Opts),
731 maplist(options_width, Opts, OptWidths),
732 max_list(OptWidths, MaxOptWidth),
733 tty_width(Width),
734 OptColW is min(MaxOptWidth, 30),
735 HelpColW is Width-4-OptColW
736 },
737 [ ansi(comment, 'Options:', []), nl ],
738 sequence(opt_usage(OptColW, HelpColW), [nl], Opts).
742:- if(current_predicate(tty_size/2)). 743tty_width(Width) :-
744 catch(tty_size(_, Width), _, Width = 80).
745:- else. 746tty_width(80).
747:- endif. 748
749opt_usage(OptColW, HelpColW, opt(_Name, Type, Short, Long, Help, Meta)) -->
750 options(Type, Short, Long, Meta),
751 [ '~t~*:| '-[OptColW] ],
752 help_text(Help, OptColW, HelpColW).
754help_text([First|Lines], Indent, _Width) -->
755 !,
756 [ '~w'-[First], nl ],
757 sequence(rest_line(Indent), [nl], Lines).
758help_text(Text, _Indent, Width) -->
759 { string_length(Text, Len),
760 Len =< Width
761 },
762 !,
763 [ '~w'-[Text] ].
764help_text(Text, Indent, Width) -->
765 { wrap_text(Width, Text, [First|Lines])
766 },
767 [ '~w'-[First], nl ],
768 sequence(rest_line(Indent), [nl], Lines).
770rest_line(Indent, Line) -->
771 [ '~t~*| ~w'-[Indent, Line] ].
779wrap_text(Width, Text, Wrapped) :-
780 split_string(Text, " \t\n", " \t\n", Words),
781 wrap_lines(Words, Width, Wrapped).
783wrap_lines([], _, []).
784wrap_lines([H|T0], Width, [Line|Lines]) :-
785 !,
786 string_length(H, Len),
787 take_line(T0, T1, Width, Len, LineWords),
788 atomics_to_string([H|LineWords], " ", Line),
789 wrap_lines(T1, Width, Lines).
791take_line([H|T0], T, Width, Here, [H|Line]) :-
792 string_length(H, Len),
793 NewHere is Here+Len+1,
794 NewHere =< Width,
795 !,
796 take_line(T0, T, Width, NewHere, Line).
797take_line(T, T, _, _, []).
803options(Type, ShortOpt, LongOpts, Meta) -->
804 { append(ShortOpt, LongOpts, Opts) },
805 sequence(option(Type, Meta), [', '-[]], Opts).
807option(boolean, _, Opt) -->
808 opt(Opt).
809option(_Type, [Meta], Opt) -->
810 \+ { short_opt(Opt) },
811 !,
812 opt(Opt),
813 [ '[='-[], ansi(var, '~w', [Meta]), ']'-[] ].
814option(_Type, Meta, Opt) -->
815 opt(Opt),
816 ( { short_opt(Opt) }
817 -> [ ' '-[] ]
818 ; [ '='-[] ]
819 ),
820 [ ansi(var, '~w', [Meta]) ].
826options_width(opt(_Name, boolean, Short, Long, _Help, _Meta), W) =>
827 length(Short, SCount),
828 length(Long, LCount),
829 maplist(atom_length, Long, LLens),
830 sum_list(LLens, LLen),
831 W is ((SCount+LCount)-1)*2 + 832 SCount*2 +
833 LCount*2 + LLen.
834options_width(opt(_Name, _Type, Short, Long, _Help, Meta), W) =>
835 length(Short, SCount),
836 length(Long, LCount),
837 ( Meta = [MName]
838 -> atom_length(MName, MLen0),
839 MLen is MLen0+2
840 ; atom_length(Meta, MLen)
841 ),
842 maplist(atom_length, Long, LLens),
843 sum_list(LLens, LLen),
844 W is ((SCount+LCount)-1)*2 + 845 SCount*3 + SCount*MLen +
846 LCount*3 + LLen + LCount*MLen.
854get_option(M, opt(help, boolean, [h,?], [help],
855 Help, -)) :-
856 \+ in(M:opt_type(_, help, boolean)), 857 ( in(M:opt_help(help, Help))
858 -> true
859 ; Help = "Show this help message and exit"
860 ).
861get_option(M, opt(Name, TypeName, Short, Long, Help, Meta)) :-
862 findall(Name, in(M:opt_type(_, Name, _)), Names),
863 list_to_set(Names, UNames),
864 member(Name, UNames),
865 findall(Opt-Type,
866 in(M:opt_type(Opt, Name, Type)),
867 Pairs),
868 option_type(Name, Pairs, TypeT),
869 functor(TypeT, TypeName, _),
870 pairs_keys(Pairs, Opts),
871 partition(short_opt, Opts, Short, Long),
872 ( in(M:opt_help(Name, Help))
873 -> true
874 ; Help = ''
875 ),
876 ( in(M:opt_meta(Name, Meta0))
877 -> true
878 ; upcase_atom(TypeName, Meta0)
879 ),
880 ( \+ type_bool(TypeT, _),
881 type_optional_bool(TypeT, _)
882 -> Meta = [Meta0]
883 ; Meta = Meta0
884 ).
886option_type(Name, Pairs, Type) :-
887 pairs_values(Pairs, Types),
888 sort(Types, [Type|UTypes]),
889 ( UTypes = []
890 -> true
891 ; print_message(warning,
892 error(opt_error(multiple_types(Name, [Type|UTypes])),_))
893 ).
900in(Goal) :-
901 pi_head(PI, Goal),
902 current_predicate(PI),
903 call(Goal).
905short_opt(Opt) :-
906 atom_length(Opt, 1).
908 911
916opt_error(Error) :-
917 throw(error(opt_error(Error), _)).
919:- multifile
920 prolog:error_message//1. 921
922prolog:error_message(opt_error(Error)) -->
923 opt_error(Error).
925opt_error(unknown_option(M:Opt)) -->
926 [ 'Unknown option: '-[] ],
927 opt(Opt),
928 hint_help(M).
929opt_error(missing_value(Opt, Type)) -->
930 [ 'Option '-[] ],
931 opt(Opt),
932 [ ' requires an argument (of type ~p)'-[Type] ].
933opt_error(value_type(Opt, Type, Found)) -->
934 [ 'Option '-[] ],
935 opt(Opt), [' requires'],
936 type(Type),
937 [ ' (found '-[], ansi(code, '~w', [Found]), ')'-[] ].
938opt_error(access_file(File, exist)) -->
939 [ 'File '-[], ansi(code, '~w', [File]),
940 ' does not exist'-[]
941 ].
942opt_error(access_file(File, Access)) -->
943 { access_verb(Access, Verb) },
944 [ 'Cannot access file '-[], ansi(code, '~w', [File]),
945 ' for '-[], ansi(code, '~w', [Verb])
946 ].
948access_verb(read, reading).
949access_verb(write, writing).
950access_verb(append, writing).
951access_verb(execute, executing).
953hint_help(M) -->
954 { in(M:opt_type(Opt, help, boolean)) },
955 !,
956 [ ' (' ], opt(Opt), [' for help)'].
957hint_help(_) -->
958 [ ' (-h for help)'-[] ].
960opt(Opt) -->
961 { short_opt(Opt) },
962 !,
963 [ ansi(bold, '-~w', [Opt]) ].
964opt(Opt) -->
965 [ ansi(bold, '--~w', [Opt]) ].
967type(A|B) -->
968 type(A), [' or'],
969 type(B).
970type(oneof([One])) -->
971 !,
972 [ ' ' ],
973 atom(One).
974type(oneof(List)) -->
975 !,
976 [ ' one of '-[] ],
977 sequence(atom, [', '], List).
978type(between(Low, High)) -->
979 !,
980 [ ' a number '-[],
981 ansi(code, '~w', [Low]), '..', ansi(code, '~w', [High])
982 ].
983type(nonneg) -->
984 [ ' a non-negative integer'-[] ].
985type(natural) -->
986 [ ' a positive integer (>= 1)'-[] ].
987type(file(Access)) -->
988 [ ' a file with ~w access'-[Access] ].
989type(Type) -->
990 [ ' an argument of type '-[], ansi(code, '~w', [Type]) ].
992atom(A) -->
993 [ ansi(code, '~w', [A]) ].
996 999
1016cli_parse_debug_options([], []).
1017cli_parse_debug_options([H|T0], Opts) :-
1018 debug_option(H),
1019 !,
1020 cli_parse_debug_options(T0, Opts).
1021cli_parse_debug_options([H|T0], [H|T]) :-
1022 cli_parse_debug_options(T0, T).
1044cli_debug_opt_type(debug, debug, string).
1045cli_debug_opt_type(spy, spy, string).
1046cli_debug_opt_type(gspy, gspy, string).
1047cli_debug_opt_type(interactive, interactive, boolean).
1050 "Call debug(Topic). See debug/1 and debug/3. \c
1051 Multiple topics may be separated by : or ;").
1053 "Place a spy-point on Predicate. \c
1054 Multiple topics may be separated by : or ;").
1056 "As --spy using the graphical debugger. See tspy/1 \c
1057 Multiple topics may be separated by `;`").
1059 "Start the Prolog toplevel after main/1 completes.").
1061cli_debug_opt_meta(debug, 'TOPICS').
1062cli_debug_opt_meta(spy, 'PREDICATES').
1063cli_debug_opt_meta(gspy, 'PREDICATES').
1065:- meta_predicate
1066 spy_from_string(1, +). 1067
1068debug_option(interactive(true)) :-
1069 asserta(interactive).
1070debug_option(debug(Spec)) :-
1071 split_string(Spec, ";", "", Specs),
1072 maplist(debug_from_string, Specs).
1073debug_option(spy(Spec)) :-
1074 split_string(Spec, ";", "", Specs),
1075 maplist(spy_from_string(spy), Specs).
1076debug_option(gspy(Spec)) :-
1077 split_string(Spec, ";", "", Specs),
1078 maplist(spy_from_string(cli_gspy), Specs).
1080debug_from_string(TopicS) :-
1081 term_string(Topic, TopicS),
1082 debug(Topic).
1084spy_from_string(Pred, Spec) :-
1085 atom_pi(Spec, PI),
1086 call(Pred, PI).
1088cli_gspy(PI) :-
1089 ( exists_source(library(threadutil))
1090 -> use_module(library(threadutil), [tspy/1]),
1091 Goal = tspy(PI)
1092 ; exists_source(library(gui_tracer))
1093 -> use_module(library(gui_tracer), [gspy/1]),
1094 Goal = gspy(PI)
1095 ; Goal = spy(PI)
1096 ),
1097 call(Goal).
1099atom_pi(Atom, Module:PI) :-
1100 split(Atom, :, Module, PiAtom),
1101 !,
1102 atom_pi(PiAtom, PI).
1103atom_pi(Atom, Name//Arity) :-
1104 split(Atom, //, Name, Arity),
1105 !.
1106atom_pi(Atom, Name/Arity) :-
1107 split(Atom, /, Name, Arity),
1108 !.
1109atom_pi(Atom, _) :-
1110 format(user_error, 'Invalid predicate indicator: "~w"~n', [Atom]),
1111 halt(1).
1113split(Atom, Sep, Before, After) :-
1114 sub_atom(Atom, BL, _, AL, Sep),
1115 !,
1116 sub_atom(Atom, 0, BL, _, Before),
1117 sub_atom(Atom, _, AL, 0, AfterAtom),
1118 ( atom_number(AfterAtom, After)
1119 -> true
1120 ; After = AfterAtom
1121 ).
1134cli_enable_development_system :-
1135 on_signal(int, _, debug),
1136 set_prolog_flag(xpce_threaded, true),
1137 set_prolog_flag(message_ide, true),
1138 ( current_prolog_flag(xpce_version, _)
1139 -> use_module(library(pce_dispatch)),
1140 memberchk(Goal, [pce_dispatch([])]),
1141 call(Goal)
1142 ; true
1143 ),
1144 set_prolog_flag(toplevel_goal, prolog).
1147 1150
1151:- multifile
1152 prolog:called_by/2. 1153
1154prolog:called_by(main, [main(_)]).
1156 [ opt_type(_,_,_),
1157 opt_help(_,_),
1158 opt_meta(_,_)
1159 ])