This library provides utilities that are primarily intended for interactive usage in a threaded Prolog environment. It allows for inspecting threads, manage I/O of background threads (depending on the environment) and manipulating the debug status of threads.
process opened for additional thread consoles. Each
solution must bind List to a list of atomic values. All solutions
are concatenated using append/2 to form the final argument list.
The defaults set the colors to black-on-light-yellow, enable a scrollbar, set the font using Xft font pattern and prepares the back-arrow key.
console if we use the BSD libedit based command line editor.user_error
of the
calling thread. This is achieved by inserting an interrupt into
Thread using call_in_thread/2. Options:
or 20.Other options are passed to get_prolog_backtrace/3.
The following predicates are exported from this file while their implementation is defined in imported modules or non-module files loaded by this module.
of the
calling thread. This is achieved by inserting an interrupt into
Thread using call_in_thread/2. Options:
or 20.Other options are passed to get_prolog_backtrace/3.