36:- module(pce_profile,
37 [ pce_show_profile/0
38 ]). 39:- use_module(library(pce)). 40:- use_module(library(lists)). 41:- use_module(library(persistent_frame)). 42:- use_module(library(toolbar)). 43:- use_module(library(pce_report)). 44:- use_module(library(tabular)). 45:- use_module(library(prolog_predicate)). 46
47:- require([ auto_call/1,
48 reset_profiler/0,
49 is_dict/1,
50 profile_data/1,
51 www_open_url/1,
52 pi_head/2,
53 predicate_label/2,
54 predicate_sort_key/2,
55 get_chain/3,
56 send_list/3
57 ]).
69pce_show_profile :-
70 profile_data(Data),
71 in_pce_thread(show_profile(Data)).
73show_profile(Data) :-
74 send(new(F, prof_frame), open),
75 send(F, wait),
76 send(F, load_profile, Data).
79 82
83:- pce_begin_class(prof_frame, persistent_frame,
84 ).
86variable(samples, int, get, ).
87variable(ticks, int, get, ).
88variable(accounting_ticks, int, get, ).
89variable(time, real, get, ).
90variable(nodes, int, get, ).
91variable(ports, {true,false,classic}, get, ).
92variable(time_view, {percentage,seconds} := percentage,
93 get, ).
95class_variable(auto_reset, bool, @on, ).
97initialise(F) :->
98 send_super(F, initialise, 'SWI-Prolog profiler'),
99 send(F, append, new(TD, tool_dialog(F))),
100 send(new(B, prof_browser), left, new(prof_details)),
101 send(B, below, TD),
102 send(new(report_dialog), below, B),
103 send(F, fill_dialog, TD).
105fill_dialog(F, TD:tool_dialog) :->
106 send(TD, append, new(File, popup(file))),
107 send(TD, append, new(Sort, popup(sort))),
108 send(TD, append, new(Time, popup(time))),
109 send(TD, append, new(Help, popup(help))),
110 send_list(File, append,
111 [ menu_item(statistics,
112 message(F, show_statistics)),
113 gap,
114 menu_item(exit,
115 message(F, destroy))
116 ]),
117 forall(sort_by(Label, Field, Order),
118 send(Sort, append,
119 menu_item(Label, message(F, sort_by, Field, Order)))),
120 get(F?class, instance_variable, time_view, TV),
121 get(TV, type, Type),
122 get_chain(Type, value_set, Values),
123 forall(member(TimeView, Values),
124 send(Time, append,
125 menu_item(TimeView, message(F, time_view, TimeView)))),
126 send_list(Help, append,
127 [ menu_item(about,
128 message(F, about)),
129 menu_item(help,
130 message(F, help))
131 ]).
134load_profile(F, ProfData0:[prolog]) :->
135 ::
136 ( is_dict(ProfData0)
137 -> ProfData = ProfData0
138 ; profile_data(ProfData)
139 ),
140 Summary = ProfData.summary,
141 send(F, slot, samples, Summary.samples),
142 send(F, slot, ticks, Summary.ticks),
143 send(F, slot, accounting_ticks, Summary.accounting),
144 send(F, slot, time, Summary.time),
145 send(F, slot, nodes, Summary.nodes),
146 send(F, slot, ports, Summary.ports),
147 get(F, member, prof_browser, B),
148 send(F, report, progress, 'Loading profile data ...'),
149 send(B, load_profile, ProfData.nodes),
150 send(F, report, done),
151 send(F, show_statistics),
152 ( get(F, auto_reset, @on)
153 -> reset_profiler
154 ; true
155 ).
158show_statistics(F) :->
159 ::
160 get(F, samples, Samples),
161 get(F, ticks, Ticks),
162 get(F, accounting_ticks, Account),
163 get(F, time, Time),
164 get(F, slot, nodes, Nodes),
165 get(F, member, prof_browser, B),
166 get(B?dict?members, size, Predicates),
167 ( Ticks == 0
168 -> Distortion = 0.0
169 ; Distortion is 100.0*(Account/Ticks)
170 ),
171 send(F, report, inform,
172 '%d samples in %.2f sec; %d predicates; \c
173 %d nodes in call-graph; distortion %.0f%%',
174 Samples, Time, Predicates, Nodes, Distortion).
177details(F, From:prolog) :->
178 ::
179 get(F, member, prof_details, W),
180 ( is_dict(From)
181 -> send(W, node, From)
182 ; get(F, member, prof_browser, B),
183 get(B?dict, find,
184 message(@arg1, has_predicate, prolog(From)),
185 DI)
186 -> get(DI, data, Node),
187 send(W, node, Node)
188 ).
190sort_by(F, SortBy:name, Order:[{normal,reverse}]) :->
191 ::
192 get(F, member, prof_browser, B),
193 send(B, sort_by, SortBy, Order).
195time_view(F, TV:name) :->
196 send(F, slot, time_view, TV),
197 get(F, member, prof_browser, B),
198 get(F, member, prof_details, W),
199 send(B, update_labels),
200 send(W, refresh).
202render_time(F, Ticks:int, Rendered:any) :<-
203 ::
204 get(F, time_view, View),
205 ( View == percentage
206 -> get(F, ticks, Total),
207 get(F, accounting_ticks, Accounting),
208 ( Total-Accounting =:= 0
209 -> Rendered = '0.0%'
210 ; Percentage is 100.0 * (Ticks/(Total-Accounting)),
211 new(Rendered, string('%.1f%%', Percentage))
212 )
213 ; View == seconds
214 -> get(F, ticks, Total),
215 ( Total == 0
216 -> Rendered = '0.0 s.'
217 ; get(F, time, TotalTime),
218 Time is TotalTime*(Ticks/float(Total)),
219 new(Rendered, string('%.2f s.', Time))
220 )
221 ).
223about(_F) :->
224 send(@display, inform,
225 'SWI-Prolog execution profile viewer\n\c
226 By Jan Wielemaker').
228help(_F) :->
229 send(@display, confirm,
230 'No online help yet\n\c
231 The profiler is described in the SWI-Prolog Reference Manual\n\c
232 available from www.swi-prolog.org\n\n\c
233 Press OK to open the manual in your browser'),
234 www_open_url('http://www.swi.psy.uva.nl/projects/SWI-Prolog/Manual/profile.html').
236:- pce_end_class(prof_frame).
239 242
243:- pce_begin_class(prof_browser, browser,
244 ).
246class_variable(size, size, size(40,20)).
248variable(sort_by, name := ticks, get, ).
250initialise(B) :->
251 send_super(B, initialise),
252 send(B, update_label),
253 send(B, select_message, message(@arg1, details)).
255resize(B) :->
256 get(B?visible, width, W),
257 send(B, tab_stops, vector(W-80)),
258 send_super(B, resize).
260load_profile(B, Nodes:prolog) :->
261 ::
262 get(B, frame, Frame),
263 get(B, sort_by, SortBy),
264 forall(member(Node, Nodes),
265 send(B, append, prof_dict_item(Node, SortBy, Frame))),
266 send(B, sort).
268update_label(B) :->
269 get(B, sort_by, Sort),
270 sort_by(Human, Sort, _How),
271 send(B, label, Human?label_name).
273sort_by(B, SortBy:name, Order:[{normal,reverse}]) :->
274 ::
275 send(B, slot, sort_by, SortBy),
276 send(B, update_label),
277 send(B, sort, Order),
278 send(B, update_labels).
280sort(B, Order:[{normal,reverse}]) :->
281 get(B, sort_by, Sort),
282 ( Order == @default
283 -> sort_by(_, Sort, TheOrder)
284 ; TheOrder = Order
285 ),
286 send_super(B, sort, ?(@arg1, compare, @arg2, Sort, TheOrder)).
288update_labels(B) :->
289 ::
290 get(B, sort_by, SortBy),
291 get(B, frame, F),
292 send(B?dict, for_all, message(@arg1, update_label, SortBy, F)).
294:- pce_end_class(prof_browser).
296:- pce_begin_class(prof_dict_item, dict_item,
297 ).
299variable(data, prolog, get, ).
301initialise(DI, Node:prolog, SortBy:name, F:prof_frame) :->
302 ::
303 send(DI, slot, data, Node),
304 pce_predicate_label(Node.predicate, Key),
305 send_super(DI, initialise, Key),
306 send(DI, update_label, SortBy, F).
308value(DI, Name:name, Value:prolog) :<-
309 ::
310 get(DI, data, Data),
311 value(Name, Data, Value).
313has_predicate(DI, Test:prolog) :->
314 get(DI, data, Data),
315 same_pred(Test, Data.predicate).
317same_pred(X, X) :- !.
318same_pred(QP1, QP2) :-
319 unqualify(QP1, P1),
320 unqualify(QP2, P2),
321 same_pred_(P1, P2).
323unqualify(user:X, X) :- !.
324unqualify(X, X).
326same_pred_(X, X) :- !.
327same_pred_(Head, Name/Arity) :-
328 pi_head(Name/Arity, Head).
329same_pred_(Head, user:Name/Arity) :-
330 pi_head(Name/Arity, Head).
332compare(DI, DI2:prof_dict_item,
333 SortBy:name, Order:{normal,reverse},
334 Result:name) :<-
335 ::
336 get(DI, value, SortBy, K1),
337 get(DI2, value, SortBy, K2),
338 ( Order == normal
339 -> get(K1, compare, K2, Result)
340 ; get(K2, compare, K1, Result)
341 ).
343update_label(DI, SortBy:name, F:prof_frame) :->
344 ::
345 get(DI, key, Key),
346 ( SortBy == name
347 -> send(DI, update_label, ticks_self, F)
348 ; get(DI, value, SortBy, Value),
349 ( time_key(SortBy)
350 -> get(F, render_time, Value, Rendered)
351 ; Rendered = Value
352 ),
353 send(DI, label, string('%s\t%s', Key, Rendered))
354 ).
360details(DI) :->
361 ::
362 get(DI, data, Data),
363 send(DI?dict?browser?frame, details, Data).
365:- pce_end_class(prof_dict_item).
368 371
372:- pce_begin_class(prof_details, window,
373 ).
375variable(tabular, tabular, get, ).
376variable(node, prolog, get, ).
378initialise(W) :->
379 send_super(W, initialise),
380 send(W, pen, 0),
381 send(W, label, 'Details'),
382 send(W, background, colour(grey80)),
383 send(W, scrollbars, vertical),
384 send(W, display, new(T, tabular)),
385 send(T, rules, all),
386 send(T, cell_spacing, -1),
387 send(W, slot, tabular, T).
389resize(W) :->
390 send_super(W, resize),
391 get(W?visible, width, Width),
392 send(W?tabular, table_width, Width-3).
394title(W) :->
395 ::
396 get(W, tabular, T),
397 BG = (background := khaki1),
398 send(T, append, 'Time', bold, center, colspan := 2, BG),
399 ( get(W?frame, ports, false)
400 -> send(T, append, '# Calls', bold, center, colspan := 1,
401 valign := center, BG, rowspan := 2)
402 ; send(T, append, 'Port', bold, center, colspan := 4, BG)
403 ),
404 send(T, append, 'Predicate', bold, center,
405 valign := center, BG,
406 rowspan := 2),
407 send(T, next_row),
408 send(T, append, 'Self', bold, center, BG),
409 send(T, append, 'Children', bold, center, BG),
410 ( get(W?frame, ports, false)
411 -> true
412 ; send(T, append, 'Call', bold, center, BG),
413 send(T, append, 'Redo', bold, center, BG),
414 send(T, append, 'Exit', bold, center, BG),
415 send(T, append, 'Fail', bold, center, BG)
416 ),
417 send(T, next_row).
419cluster_title(W, Cycle:int) :->
420 get(W, tabular, T),
421 ( get(W?frame, ports, false)
422 -> Colspan = 4
423 ; Colspan = 7
424 ),
425 send(T, append, string('Cluster <%d>', Cycle),
426 bold, center, colspan := Colspan,
427 background := navyblue, colour := yellow),
428 send(T, next_row).
430refresh(W) :->
431 ::
432 ( get(W, node, Data),
433 Data \== @nil
434 -> send(W, node, Data)
435 ; true
436 ).
438node(W, Data:prolog) :->
439 ::
440 send(W, slot, node, Data),
441 send(W?tabular, clear),
442 send(W, scroll_to, point(0,0)),
443 send(W, title),
444 clusters(Data.callers, CallersCycles),
445 clusters(Data.callees, CalleesCycles),
446 ( CallersCycles = [_]
447 -> show_clusters(CallersCycles, CalleesCycles, Data, 0, W)
448 ; show_clusters(CallersCycles, CalleesCycles, Data, 1, W)
449 ).
451show_clusters([], [], _, _, _) :- !.
452show_clusters([P|PT], [C|CT], Data, Cycle, W) :-
453 show_cluster(P, C, Data, Cycle, W),
454 Next is Cycle+1,
455 show_clusters(PT, CT, Data, Next, W).
456show_clusters([P|PT], [], Data, Cycle, W) :-
457 show_cluster(P, [], Data, Cycle, W),
458 Next is Cycle+1,
459 show_clusters(PT, [], Data, Next, W).
460show_clusters([], [C|CT], Data, Cycle, W) :-
461 show_cluster([], C, Data, Cycle, W),
462 Next is Cycle+1,
463 show_clusters([], CT, Data, Next, W).
466show_cluster(Callers, Callees, Data, Cycle, W) :-
467 ( Cycle == 0
468 -> true
469 ; send(W, cluster_title, Cycle)
470 ),
471 sort_relatives(Callers, Callers1),
472 show_relatives(Callers1, parent, W),
473 ticks(Callers1, Self, Children, Call, Redo, Exit),
474 send(W, show_predicate, Data, Self, Children, Call, Redo, Exit),
475 sort_relatives(Callees, Callees1),
476 reverse(Callees1, Callees2),
477 show_relatives(Callees2, child, W).
479ticks(Callers, Self, Children, Call, Redo, Exit) :-
480 ticks(Callers, 0, Self, 0, Children, 0, Call, 0, Redo, 0, Exit).
482ticks([], Self, Self, Sibl, Sibl, Call, Call, Redo, Redo, Exit, Exit).
484 Self0, Self, Sibl0, Sibl, Call0, Call, Redo0, Redo, Exit0, Exit) :-
485 arg(1, H, '<recursive>'),
486 !,
487 ticks(T, Self0, Self, Sibl0, Sibl, Call0, Call, Redo0, Redo, Exit0, Exit).
488ticks([H|T], Self0, Self, Sibl0, Sibl, Call0, Call, Redo0, Redo, Exit0, Exit) :-
489 arg(3, H, ThisSelf),
490 arg(4, H, ThisSibings),
491 arg(5, H, ThisCall),
492 arg(6, H, ThisRedo),
493 arg(7, H, ThisExit),
494 Self1 is ThisSelf + Self0,
495 Sibl1 is ThisSibings + Sibl0,
496 Call1 is ThisCall + Call0,
497 Redo1 is ThisRedo + Redo0,
498 Exit1 is ThisExit + Exit0,
499 ticks(T, Self1, Self, Sibl1, Sibl, Call1, Call, Redo1, Redo, Exit1, Exit).
506clusters(Relatives, Cycles) :-
507 clusters(Relatives, 0, Cycles).
509clusters([], _, []).
510clusters(R, C, [H|T]) :-
511 cluster(R, C, H, T0),
512 C2 is C + 1,
513 clusters(T0, C2, T).
515cluster([], _, [], []).
516cluster([H|T0], C, [H|TC], R) :-
517 arg(2, H, C),
518 !,
519 cluster(T0, C, TC, R).
520cluster([H|T0], C, TC, [H|T]) :-
521 cluster(T0, C, TC, T).
527sort_relatives(List, Sorted) :-
528 key_with_calls(List, Keyed),
529 keysort(Keyed, KeySorted),
530 unkey(KeySorted, Sorted).
532key_with_calls([], []).
533key_with_calls([H|T0], [0-H|T]) :- 534 arg(1, H, '<recursive>'),
535 !,
536 key_with_calls(T0, T).
537key_with_calls([H|T0], [K-H|T]) :-
538 arg(4, H, Calls),
539 arg(5, H, Redos),
540 K is Calls+Redos,
541 key_with_calls(T0, T).
543unkey([], []).
544unkey([_-H|T0], [H|T]) :-
545 unkey(T0, T).
551show_relatives([], _, _) :- !.
552show_relatives([H|T], Role, W) :-
553 send(W, show_relative, H, Role),
554 show_relatives(T, Role, W).
556show_predicate(W, Data:prolog,
557 Ticks:int, ChildTicks:int,
558 Call:int, Redo:int, Exit:int) :->
559 ::
560 Pred = Data.predicate,
561 get(W, frame, Frame),
562 get(Frame, render_time, Ticks, Self),
563 get(Frame, render_time, ChildTicks, Children),
564 get(W, tabular, T),
565 BG = (background := khaki1),
566 Fail is Call+Redo-Exit,
567 send(T, append, Self, halign := right, BG),
568 send(T, append, Children, halign := right, BG),
569 ( get(W?frame, ports, false)
570 -> send(T, append, Call, halign := right, BG)
571 ; send(T, append, Call, halign := right, BG),
572 send(T, append, Redo, halign := right, BG),
573 send(T, append, Exit, halign := right, BG),
574 send(T, append, Fail, halign := right, BG)
575 ),
576 ( object(Pred)
577 -> new(Txt, prof_node_text(Pred, self))
578 ; new(Txt, prof_predicate_text(Pred, self))
579 ),
580 send(T, append, Txt, BG),
581 send(W, label, string('Details -- %s', Txt?string)),
582 send(T, next_row).
584show_relative(W, Caller:prolog, Role:name) :->
585 Caller = node(Pred, _Cluster, Ticks, ChildTicks, Calls, Redos, Exits),
586 get(W, tabular, T),
587 get(W, frame, Frame),
588 ( Pred == '<recursive>'
589 -> send(T, append, new(graphical), colspan := 2),
590 send(T, append, Calls, halign := right),
591 ( get(W?frame, ports, false)
592 -> true
593 ; send(T, append, new(graphical), colspan := 3)
594 ),
595 send(T, append, Pred, italic)
596 ; get(Frame, render_time, Ticks, Self),
597 get(Frame, render_time, ChildTicks, Children),
598 send(T, append, Self, halign := right),
599 send(T, append, Children, halign := right),
600 ( get(W?frame, ports, false)
601 -> send(T, append, Calls, halign := right)
602 ; Fails is Calls+Redos-Exits,
603 send(T, append, Calls, halign := right),
604 send(T, append, Redos, halign := right),
605 send(T, append, Exits, halign := right),
606 send(T, append, Fails, halign := right)
607 ),
608 ( Pred == '<spontaneous>'
609 -> send(T, append, Pred, italic)
610 ; object(Pred)
611 -> send(T, append, prof_node_text(Pred, Role))
612 ; send(T, append, prof_predicate_text(Pred, Role))
613 )
614 ),
615 send(T, next_row).
618:- pce_end_class(prof_details).
621:- pce_begin_class(prof_node_text, text,
622 ).
624variable(context, any, get, ).
625variable(role, {parent,self,child}, get, ).
627initialise(T, Context:any, Role:{parent,self,child}, Cycle:[int]) :->
628 send(T, slot, context, Context),
629 send(T, slot, role, Role),
630 get(T, label, Label),
631 ( ( Cycle == 0
632 ; Cycle == @default
633 )
634 -> TheLabel = Label
635 ; N is Cycle+1, 636 TheLabel = string('%s <%d>', Label, N)
637 ),
638 send_super(T, initialise, TheLabel),
639 send(T, colour, blue),
640 send(T, underline, @on),
641 ( Role == self
642 -> send(T, font, bold)
643 ; true
644 ).
647label(T, Label:char_array) :<-
648 get(T?context, print_name, Label).
651:- free(@prof_node_text_recogniser). 652:- pce_global(@prof_node_text_recogniser,
653 make_prof_node_text_recogniser). 654
655make_prof_node_text_recogniser(G) :-
656 Text = @arg1,
657 Pred = @arg1?context,
658 new(P, popup),
659 send_list(P, append,
660 [ menu_item(details,
661 message(Text, details),
662 condition := Text?role \== self),
663 menu_item(edit,
664 message(Pred, edit),
665 condition := Pred?source),
666 menu_item(documentation,
667 message(Pred, help),
668 condition := message(Text, has_help))
669 ]),
670 new(C, click_gesture(left, '', single,
671 message(@receiver, details))),
672 new(G, handler_group(C, popup_gesture(P))).
675event(T, Ev:event) :->
676 ( send_super(T, event, Ev)
677 -> true
678 ; send(@prof_node_text_recogniser, event, Ev)
679 ).
681has_help(T) :->
682 get(T, context, Ctx),
683 ( send(Ctx, instance_of, method) 684 -> auto_call(manpce)
685 ; true
686 ),
687 send(Ctx, has_send_method, has_help),
688 send(Ctx, has_help).
690details(T) :->
691 ::
692 get(T, context, Context),
693 send(T?frame, details, Context).
695:- pce_end_class(prof_node_text).
698:- pce_begin_class(prof_predicate_text, prof_node_text,
699 ).
701initialise(T, Pred:prolog, Role:{parent,self,child}, Cycle:[int]) :->
702 send_super(T, initialise, prolog_predicate(Pred), Role, Cycle).
704details(T) :->
705 ::
706 get(T?context, pi, @on, Head),
707 send(T?frame, details, Head).
709:- pce_end_class(prof_predicate_text).
712 715
716value(name, Data, Name) :-
717 !,
718 predicate_sort_key(Data.predicate, Name).
719value(label, Data, Label) :-
720 !,
721 pce_predicate_label(Data.predicate, Label).
722value(ticks, Data, Ticks) :-
723 !,
724 Ticks is Data.ticks_self + Data.ticks_siblings.
725value(Name, Data, Value) :-
726 Value = Data.Name.
728sort_by(cumulative_profile_by_time, ticks, reverse).
729sort_by(flat_profile_by_time_self, ticks_self, reverse).
730sort_by(cumulative_profile_by_time_children, ticks_siblings, reverse).
731sort_by(flat_profile_by_number_of_calls, call, reverse).
732sort_by(flat_profile_by_number_of_redos, redo, reverse).
733sort_by(flat_profile_by_name, name, normal).
741pce_predicate_label(Obj, Label) :-
742 object(Obj),
743 !,
744 get(Obj, print_name, Label).
745pce_predicate_label(PI, Label) :-
746 predicate_label(PI, Label)
GUI frontend for the profiler
This module hooks into profile/1 and provides a graphical UI for the profiler output. */