36:- module(assoc,
37 [ empty_assoc/1, 38 is_assoc/1, 39 assoc_to_list/2, 40 assoc_to_keys/2, 41 assoc_to_values/2, 42 gen_assoc/3, 43 get_assoc/3, 44 get_assoc/5, 45 list_to_assoc/2, 46 map_assoc/2, 47 map_assoc/3, 48 max_assoc/3, 49 min_assoc/3, 50 ord_list_to_assoc/2, 51 put_assoc/4, 52 del_assoc/4, 53 del_min_assoc/4, 54 del_max_assoc/4 55 ]). 56:- autoload(library(error),[must_be/2,domain_error/2]).
83:- meta_predicate
84 map_assoc(1, ?),
85 map_assoc(2, ?, ?).
98assoc_to_list(Assoc, List) :-
99 assoc_to_list(Assoc, List, []).
101assoc_to_list(t(Key,Val,_,L,R), List, Rest) :-
102 assoc_to_list(L, List, [Key-Val|More]),
103 assoc_to_list(R, More, Rest).
104assoc_to_list(t, List, List).
112assoc_to_keys(Assoc, List) :-
113 assoc_to_keys(Assoc, List, []).
115assoc_to_keys(t(Key,_,_,L,R), List, Rest) :-
116 assoc_to_keys(L, List, [Key|More]),
117 assoc_to_keys(R, More, Rest).
118assoc_to_keys(t, List, List).
127assoc_to_values(Assoc, List) :-
128 assoc_to_values(Assoc, List, []).
130assoc_to_values(t(_,Value,_,L,R), List, Rest) :-
131 assoc_to_values(L, List, [Value|More]),
132 assoc_to_values(R, More, Rest).
133assoc_to_values(t, List, List).
144is_assoc(Assoc) :-
145 nonvar(Assoc),
146 is_assoc(Assoc, _Min, _Max, _Depth).
148is_assoc(t,X,X,0) :- !.
149is_assoc(t(K,_,-,t,t),K,K,1) :- !.
150is_assoc(t(K,_,>,t,t(RK,_,-,t,t)),K,RK,2) :-
151 !, K @< RK.
152is_assoc(t(K,_,<,t(LK,_,-,t,t),t),LK,K,2) :-
153 !, LK @< K.
154is_assoc(t(K,_,B,L,R),Min,Max,Depth) :-
155 is_assoc(L,Min,LMax,LDepth),
156 is_assoc(R,RMin,Max,RDepth),
157 158 compare(Rel,RDepth,LDepth),
159 balance(Rel,B),
160 161 LMax @< K,
162 K @< RMin,
163 Depth is max(LDepth, RDepth)+1.
177gen_assoc(Key, Assoc, Value) :-
178 ( ground(Key)
179 -> get_assoc(Key, Assoc, Value)
180 ; gen_assoc_(Key, Assoc, Value)
181 ).
183gen_assoc_(Key, t(Key0,Val0,_,L,R), Val) =>
184 gen_assoc_(Key, Key0,Val0,L,R, Val).
185gen_assoc_(_Key, t, _Val) =>
186 fail.
188gen_assoc_(Key, _,_,L,_, Val) :-
189 gen_assoc_(Key, L, Val).
190gen_assoc_(Key, Key,Val0,_,_, Val) :-
191 Val = Val0.
192gen_assoc_(Key, _,_,_,R, Val) :-
193 gen_assoc_(Key, R, Val).
200:- if(current_predicate('$btree_find_node'/5)). 201get_assoc(Key, Tree, Val) :-
202 Tree \== t,
203 '$btree_find_node'(Key, Tree, 0x010405, Node, =),
204 arg(2, Node, Val).
205:- else. 206get_assoc(Key, t(K,V,_,L,R), Val) =>
207 compare(Rel, Key, K),
208 get_assoc(Rel, Key, V, L, R, Val).
209get_assoc(_, t, _) =>
210 fail.
212get_assoc(=, _, Val, _, _, Val).
213get_assoc(<, Key, _, Tree, _, Val) :-
214 get_assoc(Key, Tree, Val).
215get_assoc(>, Key, _, _, Tree, Val) :-
216 get_assoc(Key, Tree, Val).
217:- endif.
224get_assoc(Key, t(K,V,B,L,R), Val, Assoc, NVal) =>
225 Assoc = t(K,NV,B,NL,NR),
226 compare(Rel, Key, K),
227 get_assoc(Rel, Key, V, L, R, Val, NV, NL, NR, NVal).
228get_assoc(_Key, t, _Val, _, _) =>
229 fail.
231get_assoc(=, _, Val, L, R, Val, NVal, L, R, NVal).
232get_assoc(<, Key, V, L, R, Val, V, NL, R, NVal) :-
233 get_assoc(Key, L, Val, NL, NVal).
234get_assoc(>, Key, V, L, R, Val, V, L, NR, NVal) :-
235 get_assoc(Key, R, Val, NR, NVal).
245list_to_assoc(List, Assoc) :-
246 ( List == []
247 -> Assoc = t
248 ; keysort(List, Sorted),
249 ( ord_pairs(Sorted)
250 -> length(Sorted, N),
251 list_to_assoc(N, Sorted, [], _, Assoc)
252 ; domain_error(unique_key_pairs, List)
253 )
254 ).
256list_to_assoc(1, [K-V|More], More, 1, t(K,V,-,t,t)) :- !.
257list_to_assoc(2, [K1-V1,K2-V2|More], More, 2, t(K2,V2,<,t(K1,V1,-,t,t),t)) :- !.
258list_to_assoc(N, List, More, Depth, t(K,V,Balance,L,R)) :-
259 N0 is N - 1,
260 RN is N0 div 2,
261 Rem is N0 mod 2,
262 LN is RN + Rem,
263 list_to_assoc(LN, List, [K-V|Upper], LDepth, L),
264 list_to_assoc(RN, Upper, More, RDepth, R),
265 Depth is LDepth + 1,
266 compare(B, RDepth, LDepth), balance(B, Balance).
275ord_list_to_assoc(Sorted, Assoc) :-
276 ( Sorted == []
277 -> Assoc = t
278 ; ( ord_pairs(Sorted)
279 -> length(Sorted, N),
280 list_to_assoc(N, Sorted, [], _, Assoc)
281 ; domain_error(key_ordered_pairs, Sorted)
282 )
283 ).
289ord_pairs([K-_V|Rest]) :-
290 ord_pairs(Rest, K).
291ord_pairs([], _K).
292ord_pairs([K-_V|Rest], K0) :-
293 K0 @< K,
294 ord_pairs(Rest, K).
300map_assoc(Pred, T) :-
301 map_assoc_(T, Pred).
303map_assoc_(t, _) =>
304 true.
305map_assoc_(t(_,Val,_,L,R), Pred) =>
306 map_assoc_(L, Pred),
307 call(Pred, Val),
308 map_assoc_(R, Pred).
315map_assoc(Pred, T0, T) :-
316 map_assoc_(T0, Pred, T).
318map_assoc_(t, _, Assoc) =>
319 Assoc = t.
320map_assoc_(t(Key,Val,B,L0,R0), Pred, Assoc) =>
321 Assoc = t(Key,Ans,B,L1,R1),
322 map_assoc_(L0, Pred, L1),
323 call(Pred, Val, Ans),
324 map_assoc_(R0, Pred, R1).
331max_assoc(t(K,V,_,_,R), Key, Val) =>
332 max_assoc(R, K, V, Key, Val).
333max_assoc(t, _, _) =>
334 fail.
336max_assoc(t, K, V, K, V).
337max_assoc(t(K,V,_,_,R), _, _, Key, Val) :-
338 max_assoc(R, K, V, Key, Val).
345min_assoc(t(K,V,_,L,_), Key, Val) =>
346 min_assoc(L, K, V, Key, Val).
347min_assoc(t, _, _) =>
348 fail.
350min_assoc(t, K, V, K, V).
351min_assoc(t(K,V,_,L,_), _, _, Key, Val) :-
352 min_assoc(L, K, V, Key, Val).
360put_assoc(Key, A0, Value, A) :-
361 insert(A0, Key, Value, A, _).
363insert(t, Key, Val, Assoc, Changed) =>
364 Assoc = t(Key,Val,-,t,t),
365 Changed = yes.
366insert(t(Key,Val,B,L,R), K, V, NewTree, WhatHasChanged) =>
367 compare(Rel, K, Key),
368 insert(Rel, t(Key,Val,B,L,R), K, V, NewTree, WhatHasChanged).
370insert(=, t(Key,_,B,L,R), _, V, t(Key,V,B,L,R), no).
371insert(<, t(Key,Val,B,L,R), K, V, NewTree, WhatHasChanged) :-
372 insert(L, K, V, NewL, LeftHasChanged),
373 adjust(LeftHasChanged, t(Key,Val,B,NewL,R), left, NewTree, WhatHasChanged).
374insert(>, t(Key,Val,B,L,R), K, V, NewTree, WhatHasChanged) :-
375 insert(R, K, V, NewR, RightHasChanged),
376 adjust(RightHasChanged, t(Key,Val,B,L,NewR), right, NewTree, WhatHasChanged).
378adjust(no, Oldree, _, Oldree, no).
379adjust(yes, t(Key,Val,B0,L,R), LoR, NewTree, WhatHasChanged) :-
380 table(B0, LoR, B1, WhatHasChanged, ToBeRebalanced),
381 rebalance(ToBeRebalanced, t(Key,Val,B0,L,R), B1, NewTree, _, _).
385table(- , left , < , yes , no ) :- !.
386table(- , right , > , yes , no ) :- !.
387table(< , left , - , no , yes ) :- !.
388table(< , right , - , no , no ) :- !.
389table(> , left , - , no , no ) :- !.
390table(> , right , - , no , yes ) :- !.
398del_min_assoc(Tree, Key, Val, NewTree) :-
399 del_min_assoc(Tree, Key, Val, NewTree, _DepthChanged).
401del_min_assoc(t(Key,Val,_B,t,R), Key, Val, R, yes) :- !.
402del_min_assoc(t(K,V,B,L,R), Key, Val, NewTree, Changed) :-
403 del_min_assoc(L, Key, Val, NewL, LeftChanged),
404 deladjust(LeftChanged, t(K,V,B,NewL,R), left, NewTree, Changed).
412del_max_assoc(Tree, Key, Val, NewTree) :-
413 del_max_assoc(Tree, Key, Val, NewTree, _DepthChanged).
415del_max_assoc(t(Key,Val,_B,L,t), Key, Val, L, yes) :- !.
416del_max_assoc(t(K,V,B,L,R), Key, Val, NewTree, Changed) :-
417 del_max_assoc(R, Key, Val, NewR, RightChanged),
418 deladjust(RightChanged, t(K,V,B,L,NewR), right, NewTree, Changed).
425del_assoc(Key, A0, Value, A) :-
426 delete(A0, Key, Value, A, _).
429delete(t(Key,Val,B,L,R), K, V, NewTree, WhatHasChanged) =>
430 compare(Rel, K, Key),
431 delete(Rel, t(Key,Val,B,L,R), K, V, NewTree, WhatHasChanged).
432delete(t, _, _, _, _) =>
433 fail.
438delete(=, t(Key,Val,_B,t,R), Key, Val, R, yes) :- !.
439delete(=, t(Key,Val,_B,L,t), Key, Val, L, yes) :- !.
440delete(=, t(Key,Val,>,L,R), Key, Val, NewTree, WhatHasChanged) :-
441 442 del_min_assoc(R, K, V, NewR, RightHasChanged),
443 deladjust(RightHasChanged, t(K,V,>,L,NewR), right, NewTree, WhatHasChanged),
444 !.
445delete(=, t(Key,Val,B,L,R), Key, Val, NewTree, WhatHasChanged) :-
446 447 del_max_assoc(L, K, V, NewL, LeftHasChanged),
448 deladjust(LeftHasChanged, t(K,V,B,NewL,R), left, NewTree, WhatHasChanged),
449 !.
451delete(<, t(Key,Val,B,L,R), K, V, NewTree, WhatHasChanged) :-
452 delete(L, K, V, NewL, LeftHasChanged),
453 deladjust(LeftHasChanged, t(Key,Val,B,NewL,R), left, NewTree, WhatHasChanged).
454delete(>, t(Key,Val,B,L,R), K, V, NewTree, WhatHasChanged) :-
455 delete(R, K, V, NewR, RightHasChanged),
456 deladjust(RightHasChanged, t(Key,Val,B,L,NewR), right, NewTree, WhatHasChanged).
458deladjust(no, OldTree, _, OldTree, no).
459deladjust(yes, t(Key,Val,B0,L,R), LoR, NewTree, RealChange) :-
460 deltable(B0, LoR, B1, WhatHasChanged, ToBeRebalanced),
461 rebalance(ToBeRebalanced, t(Key,Val,B0,L,R), B1, NewTree, WhatHasChanged, RealChange).
465deltable(- , right , < , no , no ) :- !.
466deltable(- , left , > , no , no ) :- !.
467deltable(< , right , - , yes , yes ) :- !.
468deltable(< , left , - , yes , no ) :- !.
469deltable(> , right , - , yes , no ) :- !.
470deltable(> , left , - , yes , yes ) :- !.
484rebalance(no, t(K,V,_,L,R), B, t(K,V,B,L,R), Changed, Changed).
485rebalance(yes, OldTree, _, NewTree, _, RealChange) :-
486 avl_geq(OldTree, NewTree, RealChange).
489 t(B,VB,-,t(A,VA,-,Alpha,Beta),Gamma), yes) :- !.
491 t(B,VB,<,t(A,VA,>,Alpha,Beta),Gamma), no) :- !.
493 t(A,VA,-,Alpha,t(B,VB,-,Beta,Gamma)), yes) :- !.
495 t(A,VA,>,Alpha,t(B,VB,<,Beta,Gamma)), no) :- !.
497 t(X,VX,-,t(A,VA,B2,Alpha,Beta),t(B,VB,B3,Gamma,Delta)), yes) :-
498 !,
499 table2(B1, B2, B3).
501 t(X,VX,-,t(A,VA,B2,Alpha,Beta),t(B,VB,B3,Gamma,Delta)), yes) :-
502 !,
503 table2(B1, B2, B3).
505table2(< ,- ,> ).
506table2(> ,< ,- ).
507table2(- ,- ,- ).
510 513
514:- multifile
515 error:has_type/2. 516
517error:has_type(assoc, X) :-
518 ( X == t
519 -> true
520 ; compound(X),
521 compound_name_arity(X, t, 5)
522 )
Binary associations
Assocs are Key-Value associations implemented as a balanced binary tree (AVL tree).
Warning: instantiation of keys
AVL trees depend on the Prolog standard order of terms to organize the keys as a (balanced) binary tree. This implies that any term may be used as a key. The tree may produce wrong results, such as not being able to find a key, if the ordering of keys changes after the key has been inserted into the tree. The user is responsible to ensure that variables used as keys or appearing in a term used as key that may affect ordering are not unified, with the exception of unification against new fresh variables. For this reason, ground terms are safe keys. When using non-ground terms, either make sure the variables appear in places that do not affect the standard order relative to other keys in the tree or make sure to not unify against these variables as long as the tree is being used.