38:- module(prolog_breakpoints,
39 [ set_breakpoint/4, 40 set_breakpoint/5, 41 set_breakpoint_condition/2, 42 delete_breakpoint/1, 43 breakpoint_property/2 44 ]). 45:- use_module(library(debug), [debug/3]). 46:- autoload(library(error), [existence_error/2]). 47:- autoload(library(lists), [nth1/3, member/2]). 48:- autoload(library(prolog_clause), [clause_info/4, clause_name/2]). 49
87set_breakpoint(File, Line, Char, Id) :-
88 set_breakpoint(File, File, Line, Char, Id).
89set_breakpoint(Owner, File, Line, Char, Id) :-
90 debug(break, 'break_at(~q, ~d, ~d).', [File, Line, Char]),
91 '$clause_from_source'(Owner, File, Line, ClauseRefs),
92 member(ClauseRef, ClauseRefs),
93 clause_info(ClauseRef, InfoFile, TermPos, _NameOffset),
94 ( InfoFile == File
95 -> '$break_pc'(ClauseRef, PC, NextPC),
96 debug(break, 'Clause ~p, PC=~p NextPC=~p', [ClauseRef, PC, NextPC]),
97 '$clause_term_position'(ClauseRef, NextPC, List),
98 debug(break, 'Location = ~w', [List]),
99 range(List, TermPos, SubPos),
100 arg(1, SubPos, A),
101 arg(2, SubPos, Z),
102 debug(break, 'Term from ~w-~w', [A, Z]),
103 Z >= Char, !,
104 Len is Z - A,
105 b_setval('$breakpoint', file_location(File, Line, A, Len))
106 ; print_message(warning, breakpoint(no_source(ClauseRef, File, Line))),
107 '$break_pc'(ClauseRef, PC, _), !,
108 nb_delete('$breakpoint')
109 ),
110 debug(break, 'Break at clause ~w, PC=~w', [ClauseRef, PC]),
111 '$break_at'(ClauseRef, PC, true),
112 nb_delete('$breakpoint'),
113 known_breakpoint(ClauseRef, PC, _Location, Id).
115range(_, Pos, _), var(Pos) =>
116 fail.
117range(List, parentheses_term_position(_,_,Pos), SubPos) =>
118 range(List, Pos, SubPos).
119range([], Pos, SubPos) =>
120 SubPos = Pos.
121range([H|T], term_position(_, _, _, _, PosL), SubPos) =>
122 nth1(H, PosL, Pos),
123 range(T, Pos, SubPos).
124range(exit, Pos, SubPos) =>
125 arg(2, Pos, End),
126 Dot is End,
127 EndDot is Dot+1,
128 SubPos = Dot-EndDot.
130:- dynamic
131 known_breakpoint/4, 132 breakpoint_condition/4, 133 break_id/1. 134
135next_break_id(Id) :-
136 retract(break_id(Id0)),
137 !,
138 Id is Id0+1,
139 asserta(break_id(Id)).
140next_break_id(1) :-
141 asserta(break_id(1)).
151delete_breakpoint(Id) :-
152 integer(Id),
153 known_breakpoint(ClauseRef, PC, _Location, Id),
154 !,
155 '$break_at'(ClauseRef, PC, false).
156delete_breakpoint(Id) :-
157 existence_error(breakpoint, Id).
175breakpoint_property(Id, file(File)) :-
176 known_breakpoint(ClauseRef,_,_,Id),
177 clause_property(ClauseRef, file(File)).
178breakpoint_property(Id, line_count(Line)) :-
179 known_breakpoint(_,_,Location,Id),
180 location_line(Location, Line).
181breakpoint_property(Id, character_range(Start, Len)) :-
182 known_breakpoint(ClauseRef,PC,Location,Id),
183 ( Location = file_location(_File, _Line, Start, Len)
184 -> true
185 ; break_location(ClauseRef, PC, _File, SubPos),
186 compound(SubPos),
187 arg(1, SubPos, Start),
188 arg(2, Start, End),
189 nonvar(Start), nonvar(End),
190 Len is End+1-Start
191 ).
192breakpoint_property(Id, clause(Reference)) :-
193 known_breakpoint(Reference,_,_,Id).
194breakpoint_property(Id, condition(Cond)) :-
195 known_breakpoint(_,_,_,Id),
196 breakpoint_condition(Id, Cond, _CondTerm, _VarOffsets).
198location_line(file_location(_File, Line, _Start, _Len), Line).
199location_line(file_character_range(File, Start, _Len), Line) :-
200 file_line(File, Start, Line).
201location_line(file_line(_File, Line), Line).
209file_line(File, Start, Line) :-
210 setup_call_cleanup(
211 prolog_clause:try_open_source(File, In),
212 stream_line(In, Start, 1, Line),
213 close(In)).
215stream_line(In, _, Line0, Line) :-
216 at_end_of_stream(In),
217 !,
218 Line = Line0.
219stream_line(In, Index, Line0, Line) :-
220 skip(In, 0'\n),
221 character_count(In, At),
222 ( At > Index
223 -> Line = Line0
224 ; Line1 is Line0+1,
225 stream_line(In, Index, Line1, Line)
226 ).
229 232
233:- initialization
234 prolog_unlisten(break, onbreak),
235 prolog_listen(break, onbreak). 236
237onbreak(exist, ClauseRef, PC) :-
238 known_breakpoint(ClauseRef, PC, _Location, Id),
239 !,
240 break_message(breakpoint(exist, Id)).
241onbreak(true, ClauseRef, PC) :-
242 !,
243 debug(break, 'Trap in Clause ~p, PC ~d', [ClauseRef, PC]),
244 with_mutex('$break', next_break_id(Id)),
245 ( nb_current('$breakpoint', Location)
246 -> true
247 ; break_location(ClauseRef, PC, File, A-Z)
248 -> Len is Z+1-A,
249 Location = file_character_range(File, A, Len)
250 ; clause_property(ClauseRef, file(File)),
251 clause_property(ClauseRef, line_count(Line))
252 -> Location = file_line(File, Line)
253 ; Location = unknown
254 ),
255 asserta(known_breakpoint(ClauseRef, PC, Location, Id)),
256 break_message(breakpoint(set, Id)).
257onbreak(false, ClauseRef, PC) :-
258 debug(break, 'Remove breakpoint from ~p, PC ~d', [ClauseRef, PC]),
259 delete_breakpoint(ClauseRef, PC).
260onbreak(retract, ClauseRef, PC) :-
261 debug(break, 'Remove breakpoint from ~p, PC ~d (due to retract)',
262 [ClauseRef, PC]),
263 delete_breakpoint(ClauseRef, PC).
265delete_breakpoint(ClauseRef, PC) :-
266 clause(known_breakpoint(ClauseRef, PC, _Location, Id), true, Ref),
267 retractall(breakpoint_condition(Id, _, _, _)),
268 call_cleanup(break_message(breakpoint(delete, Id)), erase(Ref)).
270break_message(Message) :-
271 print_message(informational, Message).
282break_location(ClauseRef, PC, File, SubPos) :-
283 clause_info(ClauseRef, File, TermPos, _NameOffset),
284 '$fetch_vm'(ClauseRef, PC, NPC, _VMI),
285 '$clause_term_position'(ClauseRef, NPC, List),
286 debug(break, 'ClausePos = ~w', [List]),
287 range(List, TermPos, SubPos),
288 debug(break, 'Subgoal at: ~p', [SubPos]).
291 294
295:- multifile
296 prolog:message/3. 297
298prolog:message(breakpoint(no_source(ClauseRef, _File, Line))) -->
299 [ 'Failed to find line ~d in body of clause ~p. Breaking at start of body.'-
300 [Line, ClauseRef]
301 ].
302prolog:message(breakpoint_condition_error(Id, Error)) -->
303 [ 'Exception while evaluating breakpoint ~p condition:'-[Id], nl,
304 prolog:translate_message(Error)
305 ].
306prolog:message(breakpoint(SetClear, Id)) -->
307 setclear(SetClear),
308 breakpoint(Id).
310setclear(set) -->
311 ['Breakpoint '].
312setclear(exist) -->
313 ['Existing breakpoint '].
314setclear(delete) -->
315 ['Deleted breakpoint '].
317breakpoint(Id) -->
318 breakpoint_name(Id),
319 ( { breakpoint_property(Id, file(File)),
320 breakpoint_property(Id, line_count(Line))
321 }
322 -> [ ' at ', url(File:Line) ]
323 ; []
324 ).
326breakpoint_name(Id) -->
327 { breakpoint_property(Id, clause(ClauseRef)) },
328 ( { clause_property(ClauseRef, erased) }
329 -> ['~w'-[Id]]
330 ; { clause_name(ClauseRef, Name) },
331 ['~w in ~w'-[Id, Name]]
332 ).
335 338
354set_breakpoint_condition(Id, Cond) :-
355 known_breakpoint(ClauseRef, _PC, _Location, Id),
356 !,
357 term_string(CondGoal, Cond, [variable_names(Bindings)]),
358 clause_info(ClauseRef, _InfoFile, _TermPos, NameOffset),
359 clause_property(ClauseRef, module(Module)),
360 names_offsets(Bindings, NameOffset, FrameOffsetsCondVars),
361 retractall(breakpoint_condition(Id, _, _, _)),
362 asserta(breakpoint_condition(Id, Cond, Module:CondGoal, FrameOffsetsCondVars)).
363set_breakpoint_condition(Id, _Cond) :-
364 existence_error(breakpoint, Id).
366:- multifile prolog:break_hook/7. 367
368prolog:break_hook(Clause, PC, Frame, _Choice, _Goal, true, Action) :-
369 known_breakpoint(Clause, PC, _, Id),
370 ( breakpoint_condition(Id, _CondString, CondGoal, FrameOffsetsCondVars)
371 -> check_breakpoint_condition(Id, Frame, CondGoal,
372 FrameOffsetsCondVars, Action)
373 ; Action = trace
374 ).
376check_breakpoint_condition(Id, Frame, CondGoal, FrameOffsetsCondVars, Action) :-
377 maplist(unify_with_frame_variable(Frame), FrameOffsetsCondVars),
378 ( catch(CondGoal,
379 Error,
380 print_message(warning,
381 breakpoint_condition_error(Id, Error)))
382 -> Action = trace
383 ; Action = continue
384 ).
386unify_with_frame_variable(Frame, Offset-Var) :-
387 prolog_frame_attribute(Frame, argument(Offset), Var).
390names_offsets([Name=Var|T], NameOffset, OffsetsVars) :-
391 ( arg(Offset, NameOffset, Name)
392 -> OffsetsVars = [Offset-Var|R],
393 names_offsets(T, NameOffset, R)
394 ; names_offsets(T, NameOffset, OffsetsVars)
395 ).
396names_offsets([], _, [])