The current version of this Janus library must be considered beta
- The design is stable
- Naming and functionality are almost stable.
- Testing is not exhaustive.
- Andersen &
Swift, 2023
- Carl Andersen and Theresa Swift. The janus system: A bridge to new
prolog applications. In David Scott Warren, Verónica Dahl,
Thomas Eiter, Manuel V. Hermenegildo, Robert A. Kowalski, and
Francesca Rossi, editors, Prolog: The Next 50 Years, volume
13900 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 93--104.
Springer, 2023.
- Swift &
Andersen, 2023
- Theresa Swift and Carl Andersen. The janus system: Multi-paradigm
programming in prolog and python.
CoRR, abs/2308.15893, 2023.
- ?
- between/3
- 5.2
- call_delays/2
- 5.4.1
- call_residual_program/2
- 5.4.1
- items/2
- 12 12 12
- janus.apply()
- janus.apply.close()
- janus.apply_once()
- janus.attach_engine()
- janus.cmd()
- janus.consult()
- janus.detach_engine()
- janus.engine()
- janus.once()
- janus.prolog()
- janus.query()
- janus.query.close()
- janus.query_once()
- janus.version()
- janus.version_str()
- key/2
- 12 12
- keys/2
- 12
- message_to_string/2
- 5.6
- once/1
- 1 5 5
- parent/2
- 5
- print/1
- 5.5
- print_message/2
- 4.1 5
- py_add_lib_dir/1
- py_add_lib_dir/2
- py_call/1
- py_call/2
- 1 2 4.1 12
- py_call/3
- 2
- py_call/[2,3]
- 12
- py_dot/4
- py_dot/5
- py_dot/[4,5]
- 12
- py_free/1
- 3.1 12 12
- py_func/3
- py_func/4
- py_func/[3,4]
- 12
- py_gil_owner/1
- 6.2
- py_hasattr/2
- py_initialize/3
- py_is_dict/1
- 12
- py_is_object/1
- 5.5 12
- py_isinstance/2
- py_iter/2
- 1 3.1
- py_iter/3
- 2
- py_iter/[2,3]
- 12
- py_lib_dirs/1
- py_module/2
- py_module_exists/1
- py_obj_dict/2
- py_obj_dir/2
- py_object_dict/2
- py_object_dir/2
- py_pp/1
- py_pp/2
- py_pp/3
- py_setattr/3
- py_shell/0
- 5
- py_type/2
- py_version/0
- 4.3
- py_with_gil/1
- 6
- values/3
- 12 12
- with_mutex/2
- 6.2
- write_canonical/1
- 2 2 5.4.1 5.5 5.6
- Exception
- 5.6
- F
- fractions:Fraction
- 2
- P
- janus.PrologError
- 5.6
- janus.PrologError()
- janus.PrologError.__repr__()
- janus.PrologError.__str__()
- Q
- janus.Query()
- T
- janus.Term
- 5.6
- janus.Term()
- janus.Term.__repr__()
- janus.Term.__str__()
- janus.TruthVal()
- U
- janus.Undefined()