add_edges/3 | Unify NewGraph with a new graph obtained by adding the list of Edges to Graph. |
add_vertices/3 | Unify NewGraph with a new graph obtained by adding the list of Vertices to Graph. |
complement/2 | UGraphOut is a ugraph with an edge between all vertices that are _not_ connected in UGraphIn and all edges from UGraphIn removed. |
compose/3 | Compose NewGraph by connecting the _drains_ of LeftGraph to the _sources_ of RightGraph. |
connect_ugraph/3 | Adds Start as an additional vertex that is connected to all vertices in UGraphIn. |
del_edges/3 | Unify NewGraph with a new graph obtained by removing the list of Edges from Graph. |
del_vertices/3 | Unify NewGraph with a new graph obtained by deleting the list of Vertices and all the edges that start from or go to a vertex in Vertices to the Graph. |
edges/2 | Unify Edges with all edges appearing in Graph. |
neighbors/3 | Neigbours is a sorted list of the neighbours of Vertex in Graph. |
neighbours/3 | Neigbours is a sorted list of the neighbours of Vertex in Graph. |
reachable/3 | True when Vertices is an ordered set of vertices reachable in UGraph, including Vertex. |
top_sort/2 | Sort vertices topologically. |
transitive_closure/2 | Generate the graph Closure as the transitive closure of Graph. |
transpose_ugraph/2 | Unify NewGraph with a new graph obtained from Graph by replacing all edges of the form V1-V2 by edges of the form V2-V1. |
ugraph_layers/2 | Sort vertices topologically. |
ugraph_union/3 | NewGraph is the union of Graph1 and Graph2. |
vertices/2 | Unify Vertices with all vertices appearing in Graph. |
vertices_edges_to_ugraph/3 | Create a UGraph from Vertices and edges. |
vertices_edges_to_ugraph/3 | Create unweighted graph |
vertices/2 | Find vertices in graph |
edges/2 | Find edges in graph |
add_vertices/3 | Add vertices to graph |
del_vertices/3 | Delete vertices from graph |
add_edges/3 | Add edges to graph |
del_edges/3 | Delete edges from graph |
transpose_ugraph/2 | Invert the direction of all edges |
neighbors/3 | Find neighbors of vertice |
neighbours/3 | Find neighbors of vertice |
complement/2 | Inverse presense of edges |
compose/3 | |
top_sort/2 | Sort graph topologically |
top_sort/3 | Sort graph topologically |
transitive_closure/2 | Create transitive closure of graph |
reachable/3 | Find all reachable vertices |
ugraph_union/3 | Union of two graphs |